By Anonymous - 31/07/2014 16:24 - United States - Dallas

Today, my son said his first word. Unfortunately, that word was "cock." I've tried convincing myself that he's trying to say "clock" but I just can't do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 245
You deserved it 7 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#11: And the classics weren't? Beauty and the Beast: Stockholm syndrome. The Lion King: murder your brother and marry his wife. AKA: Hamlet. The Little Mermaid: mutilating your body and changing to get the man of your dreams. Aladdin: steal stuff. Sleeping Beauty: don't become a seamstress. Also, necrophilia fixes everything. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves: because sleeping with seven men is sooo innocent. Alice in Wonderland: this is what being under the influence of drugs looks like, kids. And so on and so forth. Probably why I love the classic Disney films.


He has learnt the alternative name of a rooster already? Damn, that's one smart child!

Roskosity 22

Disney? Their new generation stuff is questionable.

#11: And the classics weren't? Beauty and the Beast: Stockholm syndrome. The Lion King: murder your brother and marry his wife. AKA: Hamlet. The Little Mermaid: mutilating your body and changing to get the man of your dreams. Aladdin: steal stuff. Sleeping Beauty: don't become a seamstress. Also, necrophilia fixes everything. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves: because sleeping with seven men is sooo innocent. Alice in Wonderland: this is what being under the influence of drugs looks like, kids. And so on and so forth. Probably why I love the classic Disney films.

Aladdin: also change yourself to get girl. Albeit she hated the cocky prince version.

Disney has always been perverted. All those hidden little things like the priest having a boner in The Little Mermaid, the naked chick in the window in The Rescuers, etc. All of it was sexualized.

I always thought beauty and the beast was Disneys blessing on the ********** subject.

#40: I never realized how much I have missed. Even after watching the night before I turned eighteen because I was panicking about becoming an adult, I still noticed nothing. Time to watch Disney movies tonight.

PotatoPal 11

Not to mention Rider getting stabbed in the stomach with a knife by Repunzel's emotionally abusive mother/kidnapper

But tangled just had a mentally abusive and violent evildoer. Hell I think tangled is one of the least ****** up Disney princess movies out there.

It probably is anther word. Mum or Dad is seriously overreacting, a lot of kids come out with what sound like rude words, as they're only just learning to make sounds! The "cl" in clock isn't an easy sound early on. If it is **** - a lot of people seem to remember to not swear around kids who can talk, but they forget they're picking things up before that.

SaharaZinc 14

A lot of Disney films aren't original stories, they're re-tellings of old fairy tales.

And Aladdin didn't teach you to steal, he was a homeless poor boy who didn't have money to buy food

Not necessarily, a lot of younger kids have problems pronouncing certain sounds, making them pronounce words incorrectly.

iLike2Teabag 27

He could have been trying to say "coke" or something

#36, coke would be worse. Have you ever seen a baby on coke? It'd be like Harold and Kumar Christmas all over again.

My friends little brother couldn't pronounce "fix" when he was little, so "fix it" sounded like "**** it"

Or it could be coke as in the drink which i'm sure they were thinking

Wait for the second word, if it is something like dick, then you can confirm what his first word was

I'm hoping he just likes roosters and his second word is "a-doodle-do".

At least it will make for a funny story later on.

I was hoping his second word would be 'sucker.'

What if he's trying to learn the sentence 'tic toc on the clock?' Would it sound like 'dick dock on the ****?'

Might wanna convince his mom more than yourself lol.

What makes you think OP isn't his mom?

No idea why I thought OP was the dad. I feel pretty stupid.

I don't see anything that specifies what gender OP is... just the gender of the child

Maybe... Keep it down in the bedroom?

You are me. ...I had to post it. Begin downvoting.

BestToaster 6

Well as long as he doesn't know what it means we're good . Try to get to understand not to say it .

a **** is another word for rooster...

kittykat1501 31

finally! someone else who realizes this!

smilevue 23

I guess he's just starting young.