By missmisfit - 13/06/2012 04:14 - Canada - Montreal

Today, I gave my puppy a treat for finally doing his business in the grass instead of on the patio. He later puked it up all over the patio. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 049
You deserved it 3 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he thought if he did it again, he'd get another treat

KaelaKhaotic 5

Looks like it's time for new treats.


Maybe he thought if he did it again, he'd get another treat

Read the fml again. He got the treat for the grass. Not the patio.

Andrew910 5

Maybe the treat you gave him did that

KaelaKhaotic 5

Looks like it's time for new treats.

Or less of them. Sounds like OP gave quite a lot. it's just a puppy!

He's just a pup babies will do that. I've found verbal praise and touch works better than food.

Dogs will learn to go outside when there business. Bet every dog I have had will start to wretch of they have hard wood, concrete, grass or carpet it will always be the carpet.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

It wasn't his fault. Sometimes my older dog still gets sick (very rarely, and when it's very bad we understand why she couldn't get outside fast enough). Hope his stomach feels better :)

Transform 3

I think it's his way of telling you to get better treats.

I find verbal humiliation works best on puppies.