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By dsamanthas - 23/02/2014 08:10 - United States - Covina

Today, after being worried for a week because my dog wasn't eating, I paid the vet $120 for her to tell me that my dog doesn't like her dog food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 669
You deserved it 8 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened and why OP went to the vet.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#7: Not really. I know FMLs can only be so long, but I got the impression that OP hadn't just switched the dog to a new food that it turns out it didn't like, but instead the dog just stopped eating what it had been eating fine before. We don't really know how it happened in OP's case, but if my dog (who has been on the same food for about 3 years) suddenly stopped eating, I wouldn't automatically think, "She must've just randomly stopped liking this food she's been eating for years."


shivamtrivedi 24

Well, you should have noticed that your dog was not eating his/her food.

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened and why OP went to the vet.

shivamtrivedi 24

#3: the first thing that any rational dog owner would do is check and change the food he/she is giving the dog.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#7: Not really. I know FMLs can only be so long, but I got the impression that OP hadn't just switched the dog to a new food that it turns out it didn't like, but instead the dog just stopped eating what it had been eating fine before. We don't really know how it happened in OP's case, but if my dog (who has been on the same food for about 3 years) suddenly stopped eating, I wouldn't automatically think, "She must've just randomly stopped liking this food she's been eating for years."

@23, you honestly can not compare dogs to cats. I have my own cat, who switches upon introduction. Cats are so fickle and different. Dogs can normally follow a routine. Most dogs will eat a kind of foods for YEARS AND YEARS. So I get why op was confused at this. I mean, with felines, yes, change the food. With dogs, a vet is often nessecary.

toomanyidiots 14

@32, the word you're looking for is finicky, not fickle (cats can be fickle too, but that doesn't have anything to do with food). I would also like to note that dogs will (try to) eat anything. Including poop. And their own vomit.

Dogs can be really picky eaters, and they can get tired of their food. I have two dogs and about 2 years ago one of them decided he didn't like the food any more. It does happen. OP could have saved some money and just buy a small bag of a different brand of food, and if the dog doesn't eat that it is time to see the vet. Simplest solutions first, yes?

martialart1st18 19

@23 also dogs are opportunistic and eat almost anything while cats only eat when they feel like it

MikaykayUnicorn 36

I'd just like to add in that some dogs don't like dog food at all. My family has two dogs and a cat and one of our dogs only eats the cat's food. We've tried around seven different brands but he still eats the cat food. And the other dog has eaten the same brand for six years and doesn't seem to mind.

davidisbeast 12

@23 I hope you know giving a dog cat food and giving a cat dog food is bad for the animal because both have their own nutritional requirements, which their own food is supposed to satisfy.

My cat must be a fatass then because he has never refused.

toomanyidiots 14

Aww, people don't like being reminded that dogs will generally eat anything they can get their mouths on, even if it is revolting.

63 - True, but they won't eat their dead owners (unlike cats) which is exactly why I dislike cats.

Dogs have eaten their dead owners. It's not unheard of. If any animal is desperate enough, they will eat whatever they can/have to.

Also I'd like to add that you should probably get your dog off of the cat food, it can make them really sick and they don't get the right nutrients, you are better off making extra human food for your dog then giving them cat food.

davidisbeast 12

58, yes I did realize what your intention was In your comment but my comment was to inform you that having one of your dogs on cat food can be harmful to his health and you should get him back on dog food ASAP.

#1, #2, #6, #7, #13 ... you might be able to redeem yourself if you don't comment anymore. We have all taken your opinion five times now, and we still have yet to find anyone who cares.

my grandparents dog doesn't eat his dog food unless it has some human food in it cause they fed him too much human food and he just doesn't like dog food anymore. dogs can be very picky eaters.

shivamtrivedi 24

Dogs are very mysterious creatures, you know....

zidiko 10

Should feed her some Scooby snax then she will it.

zidiko 10

Sorry somehow auto-correct deleted eat.

You don't like some foods either. I'm going to feed you all the foods you don't like and when you don't eat it I'm going to call you snobby. Then proceed to make you finish it.

I just noticed the smiley face. Sorry!

You should try mixing dry and canned food. As time goes on slowly reduce the amount of canned food until it's all dry food that you are feeding it.

shivamtrivedi 24

I sincerely hope that your dog lies the next brand of dog food that you choose.

Why are you posting so many comments? Just post additional comments under your first one.

shivamtrivedi 24

#10: This was a completely unrelated comment to my other ones. That's why I posted it separately.

But you keep posting seemingly pointless, unhelpful comments rapidly. Are you just trying to get thumbs?

ooo... is there a medal for that... How many thumbs down can this post get? I will update if there is a medal. Lmao

#29 oh look, people are helping you

This is why pet stores should have samples.

They usually do, in single pouches. Open your eyes, maybe?

I've never seen samples at any pet store I've ever been to. And with the mini petting zoo I used to have at my house I've been to just about every single pet store in my area.

A lot of stores do-- especially if you ask or tell them the issues you're having with your pet. Maybe not all stores do, but they want to sell you a product and keep you coming back. Most will help you out.

Over here (England), even supermarkets sell singles.

Not on a lot of the good dog food.. Only the cheap stuff which u should never feed ur dog anyway

jazzy_123 20

You can't give them one kind of food sometimes. You have to try different kinds. My niece's dog didn't like the food she was eating until finally she found the right one x) they scan be brats but they're so cute!

That's too bad. But better safe than sorry.

olpally 32

Kibbles and bits is not the best way to go. Haha.

PainOfDemise 11

At least you know nothing is wrong with your dog now.