By dsamanthas - 23/02/2014 08:10 - United States - Covina

Today, after being worried for a week because my dog wasn't eating, I paid the vet $120 for her to tell me that my dog doesn't like her dog food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 663
You deserved it 8 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened and why OP went to the vet.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#7: Not really. I know FMLs can only be so long, but I got the impression that OP hadn't just switched the dog to a new food that it turns out it didn't like, but instead the dog just stopped eating what it had been eating fine before. We don't really know how it happened in OP's case, but if my dog (who has been on the same food for about 3 years) suddenly stopped eating, I wouldn't automatically think, "She must've just randomly stopped liking this food she's been eating for years."


if op had recently changed the type of food they were feeding the dog they definitely shouldve switched back adding gravy or something else that tastes good to the food can get the dog to start eating it though you should add some kind of liquid or something that cant just be picked out from the rest of the food if your dog still doesnt eat after you change the food then take it to a different vet

1. Why wait a week until taking your dog to the vet if it wasn't eating? They need food.. 2. If you can't afford the vet, don't get the pet. 3. $120 is really no cost at all...

$120 dollars is a lot to some people. That's the equivalent of my entire week's budget after rent.

What? As long as the dog didn't show signs of dehydration, or being ill, waiting a week isn't a long time to wait a study his eating habit. And the OP didn't say he couldn't afford the $120 but explained that it was money thrown away for nothing. When it comes to the health of my pets money is no object, I just rather spent it when it's needs which it clearly wasn't in this case.

Yeah, I usually wait a week before taking my pets to the vet when they get sick. Nine times out of ten they get better on their own and I save a hundred bucks.

if someone cant afford the costs they shouldn't own the animal.

Oh shut up. Just because someone accepts the responsibility of a pet, doesn't mean they can't complain when the vet bills get unexpectedly high. And if everyone who couldn't afford to drop thousands of dollars on a surgery at the drop of a hat decided they couldn't afford a pet, there'd be a lot more homeless dogs and cats.

or more likley a lot less animals being bred in general. meaning less to be homeless. Note its not responsible pet owners abandoning their animals, its asshats with little common sense.

Except there are a shit ton of stray cats and dogs roaming the streets in countries where they're considered vermin rather than pets. Domesticated animals don't mate only when humans tell them to.

Fine for you, but I would never risk it with my pets. I've seen what waiting a week can do... Sometimes it's literally the difference between life and death.

I don't understand how they think this is a high bill though. It's honestly not. And people need to think ahead before they commit to a pet. Put away some money first in case they need anything, or invest in pet insurance. Don't just whinge.

Well now you know if this happens again to switch brands...

Op, $120 really isn't all that much for a vet bill, my last vet bill was $1200 for some antibiotics and a thermometer up my cats bum. If your pet isn't eating, It could be that her teeth are sore or sensetive (particularly with older animals), this is a problem often overlooked. I suggest cooked rice with shredded pieces of chicken (But no cooked bones) Dogs love this and shredded pieces of roast chicken will encourage any dog to eat sick or otherwise, specifically if hand fed. Raw chicken is also a good healthy dog food (Raw bones are fine as they are soft and do not splinter). I feel i should also warn you that changing any animals diet suddenly can give them the runs. It is always best to make these kinds of changes slowly by mixing the new food in with the old.

$1,200 for antibotics? You got ripped off.

I really hate when people complain about their pets' vet bills. Why did you get a pet if you can't afford (or don't want to) take care of it?? I bet if it was your child you'd spend any amount to get them all better.

I think the point here is that a child's medical bill generally would not be anywhere near as high.

He paid $120 needlessly. I don't think he'd be complaining if he learned his dog was sick.

#71, so only rich people who can afford to randomly throw away hundreds should own pets? Geesh...

Because human medicine gets government help (in most places) to keep costs low. Veterinary medicine gets no such help and it is incredibly expensive to keep a vet clinic afloat.

gazettefan42 8

That happend to me too but I had to pay around 200

I did the same thing. I feel your pain

For anyone else that has similar issues, take your dog to the local dog trainer and ask if they have a recommended food, try that for a week, if they still aren't eating and wont even accept treats, make a vet visit.

Daughter of a delta accredited dog trainer right here ;) 26 yrs experience. I have done voulenteer work with shelters, training facilities and have assisted my mother with puppy classes at many local vets. I am working on becoming a trainer myself. Ask away and i will be more than happy to do what i can to help. It is my mission in life to do what i can to help animals.

Also chopped parsley mixed in the food is good for helping with bad breath in cats and dogs... If anyone was interested.