A date to remember

By Unlovedchild - 21/03/2011 15:03

Today, I found out why my parents forgot my birthday. Facebook didn't remind them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 284
You deserved it 4 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn Facebook :( Seriously, how hard is it to remember the day your own child was born?? Unless you have like 14 siblings, but even then.. You have lame parents OP, FYL.

could be worse, at least they added you.


Get over it, at least you have parents. How do you think orphans and homeless people feel when no one wishes them happy birthday?

Yeah, lol. I would do that, go to my parents and remind them. Followed by stretching my hand for money, it's my birthday after all. :) No scruples OP!

AKALurch 0

oh wow boo hoo quite being so sensitive

Your parents love a website more than they love you.

ulicksam 0

Wah, wah, wah. I doubt they forgot when your birthday is. More like they're probably busy, partially listening to you whine all the time, juggling schedules, trying to get things done around the house, stressing about work, and the days went by. It happens. And if it hasn't happened to you, you don't have much of a life. Either that, or they're sick of your whining and crying but didn't forget your birthday. Just decided to ignore it.

swagchamp 0

hey 20 just calm down a little bit buddy. everything is going to be okay I promise!

I think 20 is one of OP's parents and is trying to justify forgetting their child's birthday : p

genki_monkey 0

So your saying if OP's parents forgot his/her birthday because of schedules, work and trying to get other things done OP doesn't have much of a life? Watch out, we got a genius in the house. You don't have much of a life when you troll with your anger moron

Maybe you should have mentioned it to them IN REAL LIFE!

memo619 0

I always love it when my parents forget my birthday. It means they feel bad and they get me an extra present or two :D

EXACTLY. My dad has the worst memory EVER and when he forgot my 16th birthday, he not only payed for my entire party but gave me 50 bucks. It was awesome.

They told you that? "Oh sorry I forgot your birthday, it wasn't on Facebook"! And maybe you're not friends with them. They can have ignored your friend request!

If they rely on Facebook, change your birthdate to a day in a few weeks time. See if they notice. When they claim it isn't your birthday, say 'Facebook doesn't lie'. Plus it'd show them up to be the hypocrites they are.

I have it worse. The only reason anyone is going to remember my birthday is because of my FB page. That I didn't make. Come April, some creeper is going to get more "happy eighteenth birthday" messages than I will.