By carolinagirl - 04/04/2011 16:23 - United States
Same thing different taste
By hunterchik - 29/09/2018 15:30
By carl_carl_ - 25/07/2016 04:17 - United States - Grand Ledge
By parentalfail - 25/12/2009 18:19 - United States
By justdancebbyx3 - 06/06/2010 05:23 - United States
News to me
By Anonymous - 29/11/2021 14:01
By debiebs - 29/12/2015 12:04 - Brazil - Salvador
A date to remember
By Unlovedchild - 21/03/2011 15:03
By morgan_rumm - 11/07/2014 20:02
By Kimel - 22/01/2016 00:11 - France - Vincent
By clarakipper - 25/09/2013 07:19 - Canada - Toronto
Top comments
It's because it was your fault and they couldn't bear to look at you.
They couldn't stand to look at you because it was your fault, btw they have disowned you orphan.
nice fake "scene girl" pic lol take a real pic
I agree, you are really pretty. And I like your hair, I have red hair too, but not that bright yet
nasty Ginger!! no offense it's what society tells me to think :(
I thought that was a transexual....
61 I don't think you're a tranny… you're a very handsome young man just kidding
sorry, sorry, I've just seen a lot of trannys cause I lived in------ and there were lots of trannys and you so happened to look like one, the fake eyelashes, the pounded on make up, and some of your facial features. If you are 100% a girl, then I am sorry, you are a very ravishing young...... lady.
63, that is a girl, but not that girl if that makes sense, it's not a real picture of hers, people always steal that pic for some reason, but I really don't see the point of faking a picture on fml
wat does op stand for anyway? and ydi?
OP means "original poster" and YDI means "You Deserved It"
well whoever she is... she still looks like a man.
ooh that's what this has been all about! can I please clear things up? when you guys were debating on whether or not I was actually a chick, I though you were talking about ME, Rebekahah. I think I may be a little slow because I realize now that you were talking about the picture! it's actually my best friend in the picture, not me. I've been getting my hair done like hers so I have been using her picture kind of like a place holder until I could get a proper one taken. I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION!!!! lol I was wondering why it was such a big debate! I thought the picture being real and my gender were 2 separate things. anyway, sorry again!! anywho, this FML makes me laugh every time!! if my parents were to divorce, I would want them to tell me before they told the world!! but who knows, OP, maybe you didn't pick up the phone.
Probably the best thing fb has given us is Tobuscus' "Tired of games that are fun? FARMVILLE! Have too much free time? FARMVILLE! Old McDonald had a...FARMVILLE!"
Facebook is deadly
I've heard similar stories a couple times before. It's sad how common these a getting.
facebook kills. sure it made a guy a billionaire, other then that its just a place for teenage girls to tell each other how pretty everyone but themselves is. yes, pedo bear knows what teenage girls do on facebook. add me b!tches.
Yes! Intro of redness, then darkness, then whiteness! But that reference is actually from a parody commercial he did of farmville. Search it; it's pretty hilarious.
Technplogy these days
... needs to be better because you didn't spell "technology" correctly. AUTO-CORRECT FTW!!!!!
OR autocorrect will ruin spelling...AKA the the auto "cucumber" like on
Well it's only official if its on Facebook.
true dat!
I'm so glad I don't have a Facebook. It only makes you believe that you have more friends than you actually do.
My friends that have Facebook all have competitions of who has more friends. Half the people on their Facebook friends don't even know them or like them. It's ridiculous. :P
Yeah exactly. Or the random guys that add them, they accept. Who knows if they're 50 year old men, trying to creep on teenagers. So dumb.
8, You can't say that if you have never tried it. Facebook can be very useful for organizing things and the such, as well as contributing to your social life, as you can talk with friends whenever. But, it still shouldn't be used ahead of normal conversation, as emotions and physical gestures are sometimes hard to incorporate, especially depending on your experience level.
Seriously? What is up with all of the Facebook break ups? Your parents need to grow up and tell you themselves. Facebook is pathetic. The world used to be so much more constructive place before Facebook came around.
well said. great comment couldn't have said it better.
How do you know what the world was like prior to the Facebook phase? You're only 15.
Sure I'm only 15. That doesn't make a bit of difference. I don't know how life was 15 years ago, but I do know that before Facebook people actually had other things to do with their lives besides stalking peoples profiles, commenting on pictures, and breaking up with people by changing their status. People are pathetic these days. Just because I'm 15, doesn't mean I don't know things. Thanks.
Actually it makes all the difference that you're only 15. What you know of the world before your time isn't reality. It's a version of it. Just as it is for me. What you said is not Facebook's purpose, just because some people use it immorally doesn't mean that if Facebook wasn't around they would do things correctly.
Well said Jess, I've tried Facebook but found it completely ridiculous the way most people use it. With that being typed, I also find many people have a harder time communicating in a face-to-face interaction than only a few years ago.
Thanks 54. :)
i use FB as a tool...a way to connect to ppl bcuz i live to far away to tlk to them in person and not waste minutes and texts...i am not addicted to it either..i go on the app every so often to she what msgs my gf left me and move on with my life...FB is not to blame, the "Facebook junkies" are, such as Op's parents are
I use Facebook as a tool, to lure small kids to my house.
I know you think being 15 doesn't matter kiddo, but it does. I don't think my family even OWNED a computer until I was maybe seven or eight (you would have been about two) and I don't think anybody knew what a laptop was then. And even then, there wasn't a whole lot on the internet. (And we didn't use google, we asked Jeeves) While you are right, people used to be more constructive with their time, you really don't comprehend very well. It's theorized that people who grew up with the internet don't deal with other people very well because... well... they don't have to deal with the actual people. By the way, what I originally wanted to comment was that 1 in 5 divorces result from facebook these days. Zuckerberg should be proud.
high five dude. high five.
Facebook is a government plot to KILL US ALL. Run OP! RUN!
ur an idiot
Some adults just don't know how to deal with facebook.
Swear this is a repost...
A lot of them seem that way, huh?
Please show me a link or the FML number, and if it's copied I'll delete this FML.
I don't think it really is a repost. A lot of the FML's are very similar though.

Facebook has changed the way people interact DRAMATICALLY. Fyl
Well it's only official if its on Facebook.