All the same to me

By Gomeck33 - 28/10/2022 02:00

Today, my mother-in-law insisted my wife and I name our unborn son “Aladdin” She thinks the name is perfect and will “match well because it’s an Arabian name” and “Aren’t you Arabian?” I’m Egyptian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 938
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IIRC, in the original 1001 Arabian Nights, Aladdin is Chinese anyway. In addition to all the other things wrong with the MIL's proposed name.

She had her chance to name her own son Alladin. Don't give into pressure from anyone on what you name your child. I would suggest getting her a book about languages of the world, but it sounds a bit above her level.


What language do they speak in Egypt? Arabic-speaking is pretty close to Arabian, so when are you expecting lil' Aladdin?

The people in Egypt are Egyptian, not Arabic.

IIRC, in the original 1001 Arabian Nights, Aladdin is Chinese anyway. In addition to all the other things wrong with the MIL's proposed name.


egypt is part of north africa NOT arabia.

She had her chance to name her own son Alladin. Don't give into pressure from anyone on what you name your child. I would suggest getting her a book about languages of the world, but it sounds a bit above her level.

Offer to name him John Wayne Gacy after the American culture of glorifying psycho killers

Don't tell her you're Egyptian or she'll want you to name the kid Imhotep!