Am I being Punk'd?

By Anonymous - 05/06/2024 02:00 - United States

Today, I was told by a doctor that I have a fatal disease, and that I should start making preparations for when I pass away. Then, another doctor showed up, panicking, and said that was meant for someone else with the same first name as me. The mini-heart attack I had at that moment almost killed me anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 584
You deserved it 70

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now imagine the other person's day. "Today my Doctor told me I was totally healthy and just needed to lose 5kg, then another doctor came in to let me know I was dying from an incurable disease "

Who says that doctors don't have a sense of humor...


Now imagine the other person's day. "Today my Doctor told me I was totally healthy and just needed to lose 5kg, then another doctor came in to let me know I was dying from an incurable disease "

Who says that doctors don't have a sense of humor...

🫂 Go forth and live well. It's all you can do.

That sucks, but better than the alternative.