
By Quest for fun - 20/05/2017 04:00

Today, I was on a bus traveling from Denver to San Francisco with my boyfriend. We hoping to see some amazing sights and escape from stress. However, the bus breaking down in the middle of the desert and being forced to stay in a ratty motel was neither an amazing sight, nor stress relieving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 409
You deserved it 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HalfLit 17

Something crazy always happens on trips. If you fight it, you'll have a bad time, but if you just go with the flow you'll find that mishap adventures can be fun too. It's life. How you perceive it is up to you.

Stay home for relaxation. Trips are for adventure and new experiences! Your trip met both those criteria.


One of my professors at college suggested to try to solve a more difficult problem if you get on a simpler problem. Often leisure trips are exhausting and you need a vacation for your vacation.

Stay home for relaxation. Trips are for adventure and new experiences! Your trip met both those criteria.

It could have been very stress relieving, had you played your cards right.

but it is memorable and it will be something you laugh about later :)

Why was your bus forced to stay in a ratty motel? Shouldn't it have gone to a mechanic? And where did all the passengers stay?

A bus staying in any motel let alone a ratty one would be a pretty amazing sight.

hope you're​ not talkin about Nevada

HalfLit 17

Something crazy always happens on trips. If you fight it, you'll have a bad time, but if you just go with the flow you'll find that mishap adventures can be fun too. It's life. How you perceive it is up to you.

lovelyhearts 5

just think of it as an adventure you will never forget.

Lobby_Bee 17

If there isn't any sight seeing to relieve your stress, try sex. It works wonders.