Cheap ass

By Anonymous - 11/06/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, on our drive down to California to work on a contract worth 20k with my husband (we own our business and work together), he refused to spend $50 on RV parking, so we didn't get to sleep all night, all because it was hot and the rest-stop was scary. We have two young kids and a dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 451
You deserved it 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he's this cheap it might be a good idea to keep some funds separate so you can pay for it yourself. And if he does all the driving then you should get your own license to prevent this happening again.

Correction: *You* have *three* kids and a dog.


If he's this cheap it might be a good idea to keep some funds separate so you can pay for it yourself. And if he does all the driving then you should get your own license to prevent this happening again.

Correction: *You* have *three* kids and a dog.

easybree 10

YDI for marrying a cheapskate