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By DemCherries - 28/03/2017 15:00 - United States - Overland Park

Today, at my job as a police officer, I had to arrest my own girlfriend for having sex at Walmart. She tried to get me to let her out on the grounds of being "pretty" and dating me. She wants to continue the relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 284
You deserved it 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stealthninjaa 19

Safe to say that she's not a keeper...

ApparentlyNotEno 28

Shite way to find out, OP... but at least you found out. No leniency for that one - book her and run for the hills!


ApparentlyNotEno 28

Shite way to find out, OP... but at least you found out. No leniency for that one - book her and run for the hills!

readingrachel 9
Stealthninjaa 19

Safe to say that she's not a keeper...

I mean if you take her back, you won't have the respect of me, one random stranger on the internet! THINK ABOUT IT, OP!? HOW WOULD YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF?! Without my respect, I mean.


If he takes her back SHE'LL respect him even less.

mcruff 12

This is one of those situations where I'm like "okay, the police aren't that bad"

Turtleizer567 1

Yikes! Sorry buddy :( No shortage of crazies out there. Unfortunately you don't usually find out you got one until something like this happens. Hopefully you didn't have too much time invested. Either way, I guess it's a good thing you found out now vs. some years (/a mortgage/marriage/kids/etc.) down the road. Keep your chin up op!

She's not crazy, she's just an almighty ******** and a moron

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There are worse ways to find out she was cheating. If she tries to manipulate her and your friends into being on her side because you dumped your ass, you just show them the arrest record.

I don't know about that. It was a pretty shit way to find out.

Cyberpope 3

Harsh! She's cheating on you, tried to get you in trouble with your job . . . Why would you not want to keep with her? That Uber sucks, bro!