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Awkward conversation ahead

By IHateMyself - 21/07/2021 18:01

Today, my boyfriend returned from University after 8 months away. He says he cannot wait to see me. The whole half an hour ride to his home, I was shaking like a leaf. I’m still sitting his driveway because I don’t know how to tell him that I’m 5 months pregnant. Yes, I’m showing. A LOT. FML
I agree, your life sucks 243
You deserved it 5 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aurora25 29

totally your fault. absolutely disgusting

He seems like a good man and I hope he leaves your ass


Aurora25 29

totally your fault. absolutely disgusting

He seems like a good man and I hope he leaves your ass

You can't possibly know that. He could have been banging chicks at college all along. We just don't know.

Context clues could tell us that he's a great person who's been dying to see her, if you can't get that, then that's on you

Jon Tessler 14

I don't know why people down voted this. it isn't sparky, and is a truthful statement based on available information.

one is hypothetical, and one is factual. There is a difference.

That would have been the time to call him and break up so you could go be with baby-daddy.

Why did you say you could ha die a long distance relationship to him 8 months prior, when you had zero intention of being faithful?

The part of me that can't look away from a train wreck kind of wants a follow-up to the sheer level of "I f--ked up all of the things" that this FML (more like F HIS life) so clearly is...

Your username is fitting OP, we hate you too.

Are you rehearsing how to say the word "cuckold?" Is it CUCK-old or COO-kold? Should you use the active or passive voice ("I cuckolded you" or "You've been cuckolded.") I can see how these grammar issues can be very stressful.

I’m truly sorry that you’re in such a mess. Facing the consequences for bad decisions can be terrifying. I hope that you learn from this situation. I doubt that you’re a “bad” person—you just made a horrible, horrible choice. TRIGGER WARNING: If you’re pregnant because you were’s not your fault AT ALL. Don’t hesitate to tell the authorities. I think that you’ll regret it if you don’t! You should tell your boyfriend (if you trust him); I imagine his support could increase the chance that your report will be believed. There are resources for victims in a number of countries. Look them up!

You have gotten yourself into this mess and now it's time to face the consequences. You chose to wait to tell him when you had 5 months to say something. I really hope he realises he is worth more than this mess you've bestowed upon him.

Squeezy Jibs 2

You totally deserve this. absolutely disgusting, OP.