Baby you can drive my uninsured car

By Anonymous - 07/06/2024 20:00 - Australia

Today, a week after I lost my job, my car was written off by someone rear-ending me, and both parties weren't insured. I tried to look for a new job, but all of them require that you have a vehicle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 388
You deserved it 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you saying you didn’t have insurance? The struggle is real and insurance is a racket, but you walked into it in that case

Keep searching. In big cities like Sydney, there's usually a good public transit system, which means more people will be willing to give a job to someone without a car, or even without a driver's license. Then, when you have enough money to buy a pristine new car, you can always change job.


Are you saying you didn’t have insurance? The struggle is real and insurance is a racket, but you walked into it in that case

Keep searching. In big cities like Sydney, there's usually a good public transit system, which means more people will be willing to give a job to someone without a car, or even without a driver's license. Then, when you have enough money to buy a pristine new car, you can always change job.