
By fuck your indoctrination - 26/03/2021 09:01 - United States

Today, my cousin died of a very treatable illness. She was pressured into herbal and holistic "faith healing" instead of seeking "poisonous western filth". Her husband, church and family all seem to think she made the right choice. I’ve been shunned for disagreeing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 484
You deserved it 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am sorry. Sometimes “faith” is another word for not wanting to think things through when the facts don’t match your preconceptions.

Jon Tessler 14

umm so they think she made the right choice to die. I would be calling the cops, and having them all arrested for abuse. preventing her from seeking treatment is a form of abuse, send them all to jail.


I am sorry. Sometimes “faith” is another word for not wanting to think things through when the facts don’t match your preconceptions.

I believe it was Mark Twain who said "faith is believing what you know ain't so."

Jon Tessler 14

umm so they think she made the right choice to die. I would be calling the cops, and having them all arrested for abuse. preventing her from seeking treatment is a form of abuse, send them all to jail.

tounces7 27

This is an adult not a child. Her choice to not seek treatment is her own stupid fault.

Jon Tessler 14

it reads like she was being coerced to avoid medical treatment. granted this is only from the cousins point of view, but it reads like an abusive situation

There was quite literally a case of parents going the holistic/herbal route of trying to heal their child instead of getting professional help. Child died, parents were arrested. I'd 100% call CPS and inform the police of what occured at home to start an investigation. Prayer is for strength, wisdom and guidance. God gave 'em doctors and scientists on earth and in their stupidity chose to ignore what was given to them; losing their child in the process. F them, what they did isn't a 'mistake' it was child neglect. Period.

Sady_Ct 37

If she’s married, I would say she isn’t a child. She also has the right to refuse any kind of treatment she wants to refuse. This will be hard to deal with, and the police should be called to investigate if they were preventing her, or persuading her. If she made the choice on her own, then that is up to her.

Wadlaen 23

Well, I'm a christian myself, and after I was involved in a near-death car accident some years ago, and had to stay between six and seven months in hospital, I have experienced healing through prayer, but I also think that the healthcare system, with all of the medical staff, are blessings from God, for us to be blessed with, and that we should receive the available treatment when we can.

mando 10

I see your point, good thinking.

Man I'm going to be so annoyed if it turns out there is a God and he actually is very adamant about not using western medicine but also doesn't want to give us any real clarity on his will or legitimacy.

I'm so sorry for your loss. And I'm sorry your cousin's husband and family are so into faith healing that they were willing to kill your cousin to prove it.