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Bit on the side

By Anonymous - 01/04/2023 17:00 - United States - Portland

Today my boyfriend left his camera with me. I wanted to see the recent photos we took at the park next to my house. I scrolled through and found pictures of him and his ex-girlfriend the weekend before at the same park, posing under the same tree we had taken a photo. We've been together for a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 058
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're not the girlfriend you are the side piece, dump his ass!

Time to take a picture of you giving him the finger.


Ouch! That’s uncomfortable - It was not a good thing to “snoop” through BF’s camera. But on the other hand it seems that he’s not been exactly honest with OP about his ex… This is not going to end well. Either you ignore what you saw, but now you don’t trust BF. Or you tell BF what you found and he’s not going to be happy with you “snooping” though his camera… Personally, I do not advocate “snooping” through someone else’s camera, phone, or computer. At the worst you will find out something that you then have to explain how you know it… But, you did snoop and now you might as well be honest with BF. Instead of starting out with accusations, say what you saw and ask if there is an explanation. Chances are if something is really going on BF will get angry with you for snooping and then break up blaming you for being “insecure”. If nothing serious is going on, chances are that if you don’t go straight to accusations, BF will explain (hopefully believably). Either result is probably better than pretending you didn’t see what you saw.

I think this response is off-base. He left the camera with her and he'd taken pictures of the two of them recently, so it's perfectly reasonable of her to have scrolled through the pictures, and for him to have expected her to do so. Furthermore, if he was doing something he shouldn't have, it's really stupid of him to have handed her the evidence. She acted normally and he has a lot of explaining to do, at the minimum.

Occasionally people either self-sabotage or just don’t think carefully about what they do. I agree that a camera left behind is a different matter than a password protected phone. But it’s still kind of snooping to go back a week looking at the pictures in the camera… My brother is a smart person and electronically savvy. But when he was having an affair he accidentally replied to a text from his lover to his teenage daughter - Who then forwarded that to her mom. He told me afterwards that he tried to figure out why or how he did that - was it just a mistake or did he do it subconsciously on purpose knowing what was going to happen? My brother’s wife filed for divorce, by the way.

Time to take a picture of you giving him the finger.

You're not the girlfriend you are the side piece, dump his ass!