Black sheep of the office

By Webmonkey - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I turned around in my cubicle to see the entire marketing department (myself excluded) getting ready to have lunch together. Nobody mentioned it to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 789
You deserved it 2 131

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Crystal_Claire 0

Hey #12 its a website ur supposed to complain about ur sucky life. so stop being an ASSHOLE :)

I'm also part of the socially inept club. I'm fine talking and joking around with co-workers, but I don't fit in, which is fine with me.


Oh wow does ppls suck o.o, prank em >:]

bigmuslim 0

Somebody doesnt like u...

happygoluckyhh 0

I would have just joined them and pretended like nothing happened.

I'm also part of the socially inept club. I'm fine talking and joking around with co-workers, but I don't fit in, which is fine with me.

spartanMKIV 9

oh, ya. we all know how that goes

spartanMKIV 9

that in and of itself is an FML

jade567 0

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Crystal_Claire 0

Hey #12 its a website ur supposed to complain about ur sucky life. so stop being an ASSHOLE :)

Addeek_FL_Dalma 0

I thought the same of myself too xD