Black sheep of the office

By Webmonkey - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I turned around in my cubicle to see the entire marketing department (myself excluded) getting ready to have lunch together. Nobody mentioned it to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 789
You deserved it 2 131

Top comments

Crystal_Claire 0

Hey #12 its a website ur supposed to complain about ur sucky life. so stop being an ASSHOLE :)

I'm also part of the socially inept club. I'm fine talking and joking around with co-workers, but I don't fit in, which is fine with me.


You said 'marketing department (myself excluded)' that means the marketing dpt. not tge marketing dpt + 1. the only way this is an fml is if your in marketing. YDI.

Which she probably is, otherwise this wouldn't make much sence

doglover100 28

No one tells me anything either.

jdime209 2

If they need anything from you. Don't help them.

How is that gonna make him more popular?

They probably expected you to just come over and join! :)

Obviously, you're not good at marketing yourself. Your "brand" screams social pariah.