
By IAMALITAHA - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Newcastle Upon Tyne

Today, I had a job interview where I was interrupted for using the word creative because there is "only one creator". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 265
You deserved it 4 620

Top comments

I personally wouldn't want to work somewhere where they have that attitude.

Tell him that the creator needs to be more creative when he "creates" his children then, because some people seem to have fallen far from the tree.


Because you aren't God, you're not allowed to be creative. Only the creator creates! No human person has ever created anything (except religion).

WasabiMars 21

That's the part where you ask yourself if it would be a good idea to work at that place. There are better jobs out there OP.

myeviltwin 20

Where were you applying? Hobby Lobby? Better not expect your insurance to cover contraception also. Best bet is to stay away from magical thinkers who believe in imaginary friends. p.s. I know I will get flamed by all the religious nutcakes out there but, oh well.

I guess that means the interviewer thinks engineers are make-believe then?

Ukbabwl 1

That sounds like an american ??? would never be used in an UK situation. I doubt this post is real.

I think i would have just left there and then.

Not a real religious person but even if I was I would've walked out right then and there!

I suggest people have their own opinion, when it comes to the Creator, but they had no business expressing it in that form of way O_O

There are a lot of narrow minded dicks in the world. They are best avoided. Flee while you still can!

If you don't get the job, sue them. Unless they can demonstrate that the your religion is relevant to the job then their comment was inappropriate and prejudiced your job interview as this type of response is obviously a disguised question, designed to assess the interviewee's religious orientation without actually asking the question. They may think they've being very smart, but actually they've been very, very stupid. It amounts to a discriminatory hiring practice, and any half-way decent lawyer should be able to make you both a bit richer and make these people cut it out now and forever.