Bored to tears

By kevcng - 10/09/2012 21:20 - United States

Today, I was sitting in on a boring presentation at work. I yawned and shifted in my chair, accidentally sitting on my testicles. I shrieked in pain and spent the next five minutes choking back tears, while my boss told me to shut my mouth and stop fucking around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 729
You deserved it 7 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WearingHats 14

Moments like these I am so grateful to be a woman! Yes we have periods, lots of girlie-bit issues and all but, is it really that easy to sit on your own balls? Damn.


My ex had really long, disgusting, nasty sagging balls. And he was only 28 at the time. That is the reason I broke up with him. I pray yours aren't that long. I shudder just thinking about them. YUCK!

desireev 17

126, 141 and 146, You 3 can call me and think what you'd like. It doesn't bother me at all. I find it kind of funny actually. Keep up the good work!

So your relationships are based solely upon the dudes balls?...

Ouch! FYL, dude. : ( My husband does things like that all the time... He hurts his nuts so often, I'm surprised we have two children! kinda makes me glad I have internal genitalia. D:

I'm a girl and I cringed at this, no matter how weirdly you have to position yourself in order to sit on your own balls. FYL.

Meesersuperman1 4

How the **** do you sit on your balls? Unless they're saggy or abnormally huge.

I've done this before, minus the boss part. One word: Holyballsthatfuckinghurts. FYL just for that.