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By Anonymous - 01/02/2010 19:29 - United Kingdom

Today, I was giving a class presentation, when I suddenly sneezed so hard I wet myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 894
You deserved it 4 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dominodev 3
pinkandblaqk15 0

I once heard someone sneeze so hard that I wet myself...


Ajjas013 6

At least you didn't sneeze so hard you period yourself.

Gumblebum100 0

jesus!!! what kind of sneeze makes you pee yourself cuz once I sneezed so hard I fell on the ground!! I've never peed myself from a sneeze!!

-deleted- fml deleted the comment i was replying to.

Ajjas013 6

Why do they take out comments like that? Mine was funny =(

poor op will never be the same...nor will her pants

If you've got a flu or explosive diarrhea and you sneeze.... well you could very well shit yourself.

Ajjas013 6

skirt- $25 shoes- $30 your humiliation- priceless

Dominodev 3
Ajjas013 6

It would be damn funny if she sneezed so hard she gave birth out of nowhere.

Do women really have the muscles behind their urethra attached to their nazal cavity/lungs. This really sounds odd.. or were you trying to get stimulation out of it? Oh well, FYL, and I REALLY hope you learn how to not ever do this again.

Aging is the most common cause. It starts with a few accidental farts and drizzles. After another decade you might start involuntarily crapping yourself. An affront to your dignity when your own body turns against you.

PottentialFML 0

Yes, once you are older never waste a hard on, and don't trust a fart.

it's called stress incontinence... can happen with a cough or laugh or something too

No. When you sneeze sometimes your chest and your stomach muscles contract too. I'd say the OP probably had to go and the pressure caused by the body spasm made it leak a little bit. If anything it just momentarily interrupted their action of holding it in.

op was in "class" my bet is not a senior citizen

wandaax03 0

@57: lmaoo ! that was funnier than the actual post itself.

actually that's really common. it's harder for girls to hold in urine and if it's a lot we can pee a teensy bit when we sneeze, woman who are sexually active or have given birth have looser muscles and it's harder to hold it in. it's not like OP did it on purpose, maybe you should think a little before you speak.

actually that's really common. it's harder for girls to hold in urine and if it's a lot we can pee a teensy bit when we sneeze, woman who are sexually active or have given birth have looser muscles and it's harder to hold it in. it's not like OP did it on purpose, maybe you should think a little before you speak.

camraja901 5

this is normal if you are a pregnant woman.

drunastunamazing 0

yuppers that's so true. I'm pregnant and that happened alot!! so I feel bad for yuh

pinkandblaqk15 0

I once heard someone sneeze so hard that I wet myself...

drunastunamazing 0

hahahahaha! I can't stop laughing but then again I have to relate...I'm pregnant and my baby kicks so hard he kicks my bladder and I wet myself "/ so yls!