
By soapgirl - 13/08/2009 16:07 - Philippines

Today, my mom was gifted with a toiletry basket. I grabbed the lotion and used it without asking. When I went out, it began raining hard. I got wet and noticed my skin got very sticky. Turns out the lotion was actually body wash. People were wondering why soap bubbles were coming from my skin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 427
You deserved it 65 035

Same thing different taste

Relax, don't do it

By Anonymous - 21/08/2023 06:00 - Canada - Windsor

Today, I was excited to finally use the expensive bath bombs I'd been saving. I filled the tub, dropped one in, and settled in for a relaxing soak. The bath bomb fizzed so much that it created a bubble mountain that spilled over, flooding my bathroom with colorful suds. My "relaxing" bath turned into a Slip 'N Slide adventure as I tried to mop up the mess in my birthday suit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 597
You deserved it 177

Top comments

Not that bad but at least ur clean! and how do u not notice? Its a way different consistency and then actual body lotion.

YDI for swiping your mother's gift. You selfish child.


failsatlife6 0

well hopefully it smelled good! look at it as a positive thing -> maybe it will become the new craze of people running late to work! use body wash as lotion, and walk to work in the rain. saves time and water! :D

That plus "used without asking" makes this a YDI.

Haha, yeah. Just say you're going green by saving water, the electricity to heat it, and the washer/dryer to clean towels. :D

Nonotyouher 0

A saleslady once sold my friend a bottle of body wash when my friend asked for body lotion. Golly, it scarred her for life!

well_this_sucks 0

i agree completelyy! and you should tell people you just have naturally bubbly skin! :)P