
By soapgirl - 13/08/2009 16:07 - Philippines

Today, my mom was gifted with a toiletry basket. I grabbed the lotion and used it without asking. When I went out, it began raining hard. I got wet and noticed my skin got very sticky. Turns out the lotion was actually body wash. People were wondering why soap bubbles were coming from my skin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 427
You deserved it 65 035

Same thing different taste

Relax, don't do it

By Anonymous - 21/08/2023 06:00 - Canada - Windsor

Today, I was excited to finally use the expensive bath bombs I'd been saving. I filled the tub, dropped one in, and settled in for a relaxing soak. The bath bomb fizzed so much that it created a bubble mountain that spilled over, flooding my bathroom with colorful suds. My "relaxing" bath turned into a Slip 'N Slide adventure as I tried to mop up the mess in my birthday suit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 597
You deserved it 177

Top comments

Not that bad but at least ur clean! and how do u not notice? Its a way different consistency and then actual body lotion.

YDI for swiping your mother's gift. You selfish child.


you dumb ****, how can you not read the label ?!?!?!

What did you say about the bubbles coming out of your asshole?

So...you put soap on your body...and went outside in the rain. I don't see what the FML is.

What you don't realize is that what #1 meant is that IT WOULD SAY ON THE BOTTLE WHAT IT WAS. But not only do YDI for just assuming anything in a (small?) bottle is lotion, but also for just using it without asking. Even if it was just your mother, it's still not yours.

It doesn't matter how similar they look. One clearly says BODY WASH, the other is clearly labelled LOTION.

LadyLovely08 0

Lame... And I'm wondering how noticeable those soap bubbles would be? It'd have to be raining pretty hard to actually make the soap bubble, and in that case how many people were stopping to wonder at your predicament... YDI though. Maybe next time you can ask your mom and have her read the label to you, since that seems a bit difficult for you.

truslide 0
doubleAbattery 0

This is one of the worst FMLs I've ever seen. So you got a little sudsy, how is your life f'd? Post again when you get some real problems.

AtoZandBeyond 0

That sounds cool I should try it