
By Anonymous - 27/05/2016 19:09 - United States - Lady Lake

Today, my husband was being obnoxious, so I jokingly sprayed him with the dish hose. The floor got wet, and he slipped and busted his knees. Our daughter rushed over to him to see if he was OK, then slipped and busted her head on the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 811
You deserved it 7 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a rather unfortunate chain of events... You kind of deserve it but really who could have foreseen all of that happening in consequence?

It's hard to tell wether YDI or not. Too much info is left out. Just a suggestion, if you are going to play around like that be a little more careful. Hope that your husband and daughter feel better!


I wouldn't recommend buying a lottery ticket.

I don't think you could've foreseen it OP, I'm imagining this all happened very quickly. I hope your husband and daughter are ok!

You're a monster! Who enjoys people in pain and then reports it on the internet to get some laughs! What has the world come to !

you do know this is fml right? or **** my life. so this website is for unfortunate shit that happens to people. and she didn't laugh or even say anything about enjoying seeing her family in pain.

if we can't laugh at our accidents there is only despair and misery. Besides this bit sounds like something out of a stooges movie.

Hopefully you learned something from that encounter. Best wishes for your family; hope they're okay.

To the people downvoting me: I was suggesting that hopefully she learned to be more careful when messing around with the sprayer. It's not like I said she deserved it or that it was her fault, because I know it wasn't. (And no one really deserves something like that, especially when they're just playing around.) Learn to read between the lines instead of just assuming someone is saying something mean.

People are downvoting me for being nice? Oh internet, how I love thee.

did you spray it at the floor? I can't see how the floor would get water on it to cause all that.

The husband was probably moving and trying to dodge it, which caused water to get on the floor. Also, just cause you're aiming at someone, doesn't mean all the water gets on them and none goes anywhere else, water isn't direct like that. It's like any hose, if I'm using it to water my flowers, even directly, there's still going to be some water that gets on the grass, and me as well.

it's not happened to me and we do that all the time, so I didn't think about that happening.

"It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye." -your mother

tiger820 20

two birds one stone! nice #winning