Bye bye love

By stacyyvonne - 07/10/2011 02:53 - United States

Today, I finally found the courage to tell my drug addict husband that I'm leaving him. He sat in his chair, denying using drugs, ever. Right after he said this, he passed out and spilled hot coffee on himself. He then denied spilling the coffee. As I was leaving, he took all of my shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 544
You deserved it 3 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sounds like if you just leave, your husband won't even remember.


iPoopChickens 0

Good job for standing up against him and leaving him! He sounds like a loser.

Why shoes? Did he hope to keep you there if you had no shoes to walk out in? I'd still walk out (:

But you could step on something and get hurt,better to just steal his shoes

Good point. But then we both have the other genders shoes? No one wins...

TunechiXXL 0

You don't win @ life, you look like you're 35......**** your life

#85 you make no sense whatsoever. Do you have anything important to say or are you going to ramble on about random things? & I assure you, I'm 19 ;)

Congratulations on leaving! May you live a happy successful life.

some_girl9 8

GOOD FOR YOU!!! This is hardly even an FML, more like **** HIS life. You are moving on, and he's just a drug-addicted loser with no future, and now no wife. Congratulations! You've got your whole future ahead of you now. :)

JustOhSoLovely 6
keshaforever1 14

Yay for leaving that addict bastard!Go find somebody else that will actually take care of you =]

Congrats for making that tough choice! I hope good things and a good man come your way.

token_blackguy 18

Good for you OP. It's nice to read a post by someone in a bad relationship, who is moving on.