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By Anonymous - 27/11/2009 03:23 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were watching a movie where a girl proposed to a guy. He said, "I would hate it if that happened to me, obviously I don't want to get married if I haven't proposed myself." I was planning on proposing later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 377
You deserved it 8 821

Same thing different taste

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I do. That'd show me that she's not a backwards and sexist person that cares too much about this dumb tradition. If she wants to marry, she should propose. Giving hints is childish and stupid because leads to misunderstanding and frustration.

sarcdude 3

I wouldn't mind if my girlfriend proposed to me. At any rate that would show she really wanted to be with me.


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Yeah shuddup with proposing and make us a sammich Thankyou

Okie7123 0

At least you found this out before you proposed. And that doesn't mean he doesn't want to go to the next step. Not really that much of an FML

I do. That'd show me that she's not a backwards and sexist person that cares too much about this dumb tradition. If she wants to marry, she should propose. Giving hints is childish and stupid because leads to misunderstanding and frustration.

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#22, I love you. Will you marry me? ;) O hai Mercy.

I love number 22 :D Completely agree If a woman wants to propose then she can there's no law against it. :D

sarcdude 3

I wouldn't mind if my girlfriend proposed to me. At any rate that would show she really wanted to be with me.

Gender roles are for immature people who don't know how to make their own decisions and let "tradition" make them for them. They go through life doing everything they're "supposed" to do in the manner "society" tells them to do it instead of being honest with themselves. Then they wonder why they're so unhappy. I for one refuse to deal with people who are so obsessed with etiquette and mind games and playing whatever gender/class/family etc. role they've been "assigned" that they forgo common sense. Even worse are those people who hide their flaws, insecurities, and baseless entitlements behind the guise of tradition. Tradition is simply a word used by people who are terrified of freedom. If OP's boyfriend feels "emasculated" by her proposing marriage and actually taking control of her own circumstances and making decisions about her relationships instead of sitting back and waiting for life to happen to her, he's not a man, he's a little boy. He's a scared child afraid of the world and afraid of dealing with other people as equals, pathetically hoping that gender socialization can guarantee his undeserved privilege. OP, I hope you take this as a wake-up call. The guy's a misogynistic, conformist, infantile little shit. Dump his ass and find someone you can be real with. FYI for those who want to troll, I'm a dude. I'm straight. And I'm a feminist. Speaking for myself, I'm fed up with infantile, princessy little girls who want other people to make their decisions for them; who want to play games and drop passive-aggressive hints instead of being straightforward and honest; who don't have the courage or the capacity to think for themselves and instead base their (in)decisions off what they think they "should" do and how other people will react. These kinds of "women" are ******* boring and the day I stopped dating them my life took a positive turn. The sex is usually really shitty too because they don't communicate and they restrict themselves to what they're "supposed" to do and think and feel. It's not attractive at all to be with someone who represses their sexuality and becomes visibly uncomfortable at the prospect of being sexually assertive. Honestly, no matter who you are, male, female, trans, whatever, don't play games and construct facades, because if the person you're dating is worth dating at all, they'll see right through your bullshit and cut you down to where you belong.

Save_Bandit 5

dang #102 this is really a big deal to you isn't it?

itsbryn 0

I wouldnt want my girlfriend to propose to me. because I want to propose to her. it's what I want to do. she wants it that way too. you need to hit something dude. breathe

102- Shut the **** up. Tradition is not only for the weak or scared. It's also for people who have some respect for the way our ancestors have done things for a very long time. The world has flourished because of certain traditions. And insulting people who carry on those traditions is certainly more infantile than any flaw you may have pointed out. If you're really as liberal as you project, bite your ******* tongue and accept people and their personal beliefs.

102 needs to be pushed off a cliff. into a rocky river.

lebronesque73091 12

#102 I don't know why you wrote all of that, I doubt anyone will read it all.

@102 -tl;dr but anyway my fiancè told me at the beginning of our relationship when marriage came up that he wanted to be proposed to by a woman. so 5 years later I proposed :) looved ittt

102, you just rambled on about nonsense. Shut the **** up.

Mortoli 30

Not all tradition it's more about the romance for the woman. Men don't care about romance, from a woman, but for women. What I guess I mean is that most women enjoy it more when they get asked but when guys get asked its more of a wtf situation. Because men are just used to being the ones to ask the woman after all it is a tradition. Their fathers and forefathers asked their mothers and so forth lol. But if you women want to take all the romance out of it by all means go ahead see if we care. I'm not gonna say completely against it. like other guy said it means she cares about him. After all it wont ruin a relationship unless the guy is really immature. With that being said Op i hope you happily married with him by now. After all he was thinking bout it at the time.

I see some problems here. This guy is not some vicious loser who thinks he has complete control over his partner's every move. As a guy, hasn't it always been a dream to propose to someone you love? Maybe some girls have that, but just because a guy say he would be emasculated doesn't mean he's some woman hating control freak, he just wants to live his dream. While I agree that leaving hints is stupid, they should discuss marriage, to make sure they are both ready. Proposing out of the blue can lead to someone panicking and making a mistake they would later regret. If there was ever a time to discuss that with them, it would be then.

I agree completely with 102 and all you down voters can go to hell.

Yeah but a lot of personal beliefs are pretty dumb.

102, I wish I could thumbs your comment up by 100.

Tradition is for those who can't think for themselves.

KrazyKatz3 26

My mum proposed to my dad and they have been happily married for 21 years. I still pressed you deserve it though. If you don't know that your boyfriend is ready for marriage and wants to marry you why are you proposing?

My mum proposed to my dad. They've been married 25 years....

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Is saying "Its the 21st century peoplz!!" the default argument for why ________ can do whatever they please? Just wondering, because whenever you see something like this, you know that comeback's gonna show up....

I think you missed my point. I'm agreeing with everything you've said. My general observation, though, is that its getting pretty cliche and repetitive using the "its the 21 century" argument. It wasn't to single you out or to refute your claims.

*it doesn't justify everything its used for.

agreed! i asked my boyfriend out and we've been going out for a year and 8 months so it worked out pretty well for us. i wouldn't propose to him just because i want him to propose when he's ready. but any guy who doesn't want a girl to ask them out or propose can't handle a strong woman. sucks for them. :)

Hints are for horsefuckers. Be real and say what's on your mind. You gotta be all like "yo dude, wanna marry me?"

If a dude can't handle a strong woman, he's gonna be shitty in bed. Guaranteed. He'll fold under the pressure she puts on him or he'll be all up on that mechanical rage-humping and get off in 30 seconds and leave her completely unsatisfied.

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I would want my boyfriend to propose. I've never heard of a girl proposing except in "The Proposal", but that was like something he made her do.

DenBriZel 31

um, have you even seen that movie??

At least he told you before you proposed and got rejected !!! Quit whining !

Of course her life's fine. She found out he's a loser, now she's free to go find someone better.

Why is the bf a loser? Maybe he'd hate it because he wants to be the one to propose.

Why is the bf a loser? Maybe he'd hate it because he wants to be the one to propose.

I see nothing wrong with the girl proposing. I have a feeling I will have to be the one to pop the question because my man is very timid and shy about it.

well... i think you got your answer then! honestly, you should be thankful that you learned he felt this way before you proposed....

birds_fml 7

Yeah, good thing you found out before you asked. You might want to break up with this guy, too, since he would ask if he wanted to be married, and he hasn't, and you obviously want to be married. Sometimes guys have to risk losing the girl before they realize they want to be committed. Either way, if the girl wants to get married someday, and the guy is dragging his feet, sometimes she's gotta speak up and tell him that either they get married or they move on. That's how it was with my husband.