Car Wash Disaster

By FML Approved - 03/11/2017 03:00

Wait for it... Wait for it... Holy crap!
I agree, your life sucks 662
You deserved it 231

Top comments

Donut_Wizard 23

New and improved, we clean your car inside and out all at once!

Looks like someone didn't close their sun roof window (just the sliding mechanism inside). What did we learn?


Donut_Wizard 23

New and improved, we clean your car inside and out all at once!

Car washes always scared me as a kid, I thought the brushes were going to bash the windows in. I was waiting for that to happen in this video.

LilyLuv78 3

Look at the bright side, Now you don't have to take a shower

Looks like someone didn't close their sun roof window (just the sliding mechanism inside). What did we learn?

I wonder if they forgot to close the sunroof or was there a rust spot that caved in as the force of water went over the car?