By Iman - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By Iman - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
rofl rofl sucks to be you
you never had any phone calls to figure that out sooner?? waste of a year.
I've been in a long distance relationship for 7 months, and I've talked to my gf on the phone(almsot every day) video chat, multiple things, visits, how have you not even heard her(his) voice in a whole year! THAT is sad, these f***s who say YDI for online dating are epically retarded, as they've most likely never been in a long distance relationship themselves. I've dated my fair share of both close and long distanced, it does not matter the distance, it matters the person. For those of you saying that people who date 'online' need to get out and meet people, I'm pretty sure that's called friends, are you a loser for having online friends too? All of them are sheep. The people that say that, that is.
its your fault for having an online relationship. hahhahha
That's why I think online dating is overrated. It better to find someone by traditional means.
hahaha that was me!!!!! haha YDI u shoulda asked to meet u perv and not date online!!
BAHAHAHA! get outside you loser
Why the **** would you date online? And, you never even talked or video chatted with the "girl"? Good god, what the hell.
I can understand meeting people online.. but dating? -_-
hahaha that's pretty annoying.