Classy guy

By NewlyDread - 06/02/2013 02:31 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my boyfriend and I were looking at engagement rings. When the store owner asked about our budget, my boyfriend said with a straight face, "Nothing too expensive, I have a big penis so I don't have to overcompensate by buying a big diamond." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 427
You deserved it 7 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That is the perfect moment to snort with laughter and hold your fingers two inches apart.

ARod11SoCal 4

Love ittttt!!!!! Lmao! Big dick AND funny. What else do you want you little brat. Lol.

PieknyCzlowiek 7

If you love the guy, niether one should matter.

There's a big difference between HAVING a big dick, and BEING a big dick!!

flashback_fml 14

Did you say "let me tell you why thats bullshit"

Nothing wrong with picking the ring together; I chose mine, and it's titanium with a single smallish diamond, but that is what I wanted. I can't say FYL or YDI to this one. You scored something a lot more fun than a rock! I have to say I'd take my hubby's huge manhood over a gem any day!

elizacandle 29

I cant say your life sucks...youre the one marrying the guy after he really as cocky as he thinks he is? Sounds like it .

Sounds like a classy guy. I bet that was quite embarrassing for you. Next time hit him then when he whines are you that you embarrassed him just let him know that's how you felt.