For better, for worse

By limegreengiraffe - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Lubbock

Today, my boyfriend and I went shopping for an engagement ring. We ended up breaking up in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 754
You deserved it 7 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are other lime green giraffes in the sea.

Chiroptera_Man 10

"Do you like this diamond?" "I was thinking of getting moissanite instead." "YOU'RE A MONSTER. IT'S OVER!" Something like that?


There are other lime green giraffes in the sea.

But...giraffes don't swim. ;-; (Well, I guess lime green ones are different)

incoherentrmblr 21

That's when the Fish from The Other Guys go out to eat, then develop breathing apparatuses, then start hunting for Giraffes...

You guys couldn't have left it as it is?

tony1891 22

what is it lately with people breaking up?

It wouldn't be much of an FML if she'd said "my boyfriend and I went shopping for an engagement ring today and he proposed in the store!"

Holiday season, I think. Holiday stress can bring put the worst in people. Thst , and it's FML. Not too many happy ending statuses on FML, by default.

People have always been breaking up. You just don't read FML stories like: "My boyfriend and I are happily together. FML"

JMichael 25

I believe that was stated indirectly in the FML.


Thanks for the clarification, the post didn't clarify it enough

You know how many people "break up" just to get back together? All I was saying is if it's that easy for them to break up in the first place, they shouldn't have even thought of getting married.

Well that's the biggest plot twist ever. :/

estuardo 7

You must be friends with the guy who's proposal speech ended up being a breakup speech.

luckily it happened before you got married. splitting up is less hard than getting a divorce, I'm sorry OP.

Chiroptera_Man 10

"Do you like this diamond?" "I was thinking of getting moissanite instead." "YOU'RE A MONSTER. IT'S OVER!" Something like that?

JMichael 25

I think you probably have the closest guess out of anyone.

I'm thinking she said "I want a princess cut diamond ring cause I'm a princess. " Guy: "Psssf, hahaha. You're far from Cinderella." The rest kinda writes itself.

Yep, she probably demanded a ring that would cost him 3 years salary to buy

At least he broke up with you before you married him!

Well, OP, I'm sorry, but maybe it's for the best, huh? That's terrible though. Hopefully you find the right guy for you soon.