Climate change? What's that?

By Anonymous - 18/02/2021 21:30

Today, our bathroom is so cold that my shea butter and homemade coconut oil toothpaste are too hard to get out of the jar. Yes, that’s the same room I get naked in twice a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 774
You deserved it 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean, that definitely sucks about the cold, but get yourself some real toothpaste with fluoride in it to protect your teeth. Shea butter and coconut oil are all good, but fluoride for your teeth. (Just don’t eat the toothpaste.)

bound101 7

No, you don't eat toothpaste 🤣


I mean, that definitely sucks about the cold, but get yourself some real toothpaste with fluoride in it to protect your teeth. Shea butter and coconut oil are all good, but fluoride for your teeth. (Just don’t eat the toothpaste.)

bound101 7

No, you don't eat toothpaste 🤣

Naked, huh? The butter and toothpaste aren't the only things getting hard, if you know what I mean;)

A portable heater might help, or keeping your products in a warmer place.

Assuming she lives in a place that has electricity. Just a guess but I have a feeling she's posting from Texas.

Holy ****, if this isn't a first world problem I dont know what is