Damn, son…

By Anonymous - 31/05/2024 06:00 - United States - Lafayette

Today, my anger issues reached their worst after a horrible day at work. I kicked my girlfriend out of our apartment because I smelled another man's cologne when I came home. The "cologne" was a scented candle that she had burning while I was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58
You deserved it 1 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope she broke up with you. Stay alone forever.

d j mom 7

you're a grade a d**k. hopefully she's smart enough to never come back to you. if she does then you better start groveling at her feet and buy her anything she wants. also you should take some anger mgmt classes.


I hope she broke up with you. Stay alone forever.

soundsfakebutok 9
d j mom 7

you're a grade a d**k. hopefully she's smart enough to never come back to you. if she does then you better start groveling at her feet and buy her anything she wants. also you should take some anger mgmt classes.

Wrong website... This is "**** my life", not "I am a complete asshole".

Plottwist...she uses that candle to match/cover her other boyfriends cologne.

Suddenly I'm missing the puke emoji