Cling Alert

By miabun - 14/02/2017 06:02 - United States - Breinigsville

Today, my boyfriend has helicopter parents. He offered to take me out on a date for Valentine's Day, but there's one condition: his mother has to be there the whole time. He's 17 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 857
You deserved it 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I disagree with everyone else, not allowing your kid privacy and to have their own life as a teenager, especially with dating, will basically hurt any potential relationship they try to form and greatly effect their social skills. It's showing you lack so much confidence in your ability as a parent and to teach them right, that you need to lord control over them. 17 is almost an adult, a teenager is not a child, so stop treating them like one. If you don't allow them some independence and adult responsibilities, which includes letting them have their own private lives and making their own choices, which may even include mistakes, they will never learn it.


Try being 31 and still having helicopter parents. I feel for your boyfriend. F his life.

thatnewgirl 16

what is helicopter parents... I just assumed they were on a helicopter and that's why she needed to be there ..

Retolv23 0

the **** y does every1 agree with the parents y all gonna raise some sad kids

cardin06 15

It seems like a lot of kids are giving thumbs down to people supporting the parents. If that chick ended up pregnant y'all would be saying she dederved it.

I'm an adult, lots of the people on here are. I just understand development and how to raise healthy, well-rounded, functioning kids, which doesn't include being a controlling, invasive, emotionally abusive, jerk, it does include understanding that respect and trust is essential. Also, I doubt most would blame her, because it's generally understood that pregnancy can happen under many different circumstances including failed contraception. In any case though, it's not parents' job to prevent them from having sex, that will only lead to problems and sneaking around which makes it much more likely that mistakes will happen. It is their job to EDUCATE them about it, including the consequences, but also how to prevent those consequences. Controlling and forbidding things doesn't work, education does, that's been proven.

CA7117 11

I'm sorry OP. My parents are very traditional Mexican parents and even though I am 22 and engaged, I still have a curfew, ask for permission and let them know where I am and what I am doing. Just be patient. If its hard on you, it's definitely hard on him too. Hopefully once he's 18, he'll have a bit more freedom.

Grow some balls and tell your parents to **** off. If they kick you out, learn to stand on your own feet. They'll come around.

Oh gosh, some of you sounded like it is okay to have a parent there entire time on her kid's date. Let me Sam you this, did any of your parents did that to you and how would you feel if they did?

everton99 16

When I was in high school I went on one date with a girl who had parents like this. We were both 16 and were told every date we had until we were 18 had to be at her parents house supervised. Needless to say I lost interest in her incredibly quickly.

Dump him now. Yeah, it might be harsh on him, but you need to look out for yourself. You can't be with someone who's mom is still changing his diapers. I mean I'm sure he's not happy about his mom hovering but at 17, he needs to put his foot down. See if his father can help him out. I mean, he's 17, not 12.

How was he supposed to finger bang you with his mom there?

Twisted_Angel 17

Maybe it's his religion? Some don't allow males and females to be alone together until married. Every date has to have a chaperone or two. If you don't like it, it's time for you to move on. If he allows it, then that means he's okay with it, which makes me think it is a religion thing.

Weirddate 11

I had a 31 year old guy turn up with his mom on the first date! It was a slightly different situation. He was a mama's boy. Even though this comes from the mom's side, not his, the outcome is the same. You should either explain to him that he needs to stand up to his parents or find someone else.