
By oh god. - 14/05/2014 23:16 - Canada - Sherwood Park

Today, while at work, I asked an older customer how he was doing. He told me that he'd just lost his wife. I gave my condolences before he clarified that his wife was not dead, but was lost in Walmart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 315
You deserved it 7 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lost in Walmart? That poor old woman is as good as dead.

Haha, old people and their forgetfulness! So cute


We all would have made that mistake, no harm done. Hope he found her though.

Well that is quite the awkward situation OP. Hopefully things smoothed over afterwards.

Haha that's funny. Got to love older people :)

"On the next episode of *insert survival show here* we explore the hard to survive in conditions and dangerous wildlife of, Wal-mart! ...Right after this commercial break."

This commercial break sponsored by depends adult incontinence care.

Walmart on Black Friday. I don't care what survival expert you drop in, the poor bastard won't make it out alive.

send the search squad ...right now... if this would have happened in Texas Walmart then it would have taken days to find out..

Is a messcan slang for a trash can? Yeah, there are lots of those in Wal-mart to get lost behind. -_-

Tough one there. I wouldn't feel bad. Miscommunication like that happens all the time - at least this one had a happy ending!! :)

sunnysideup25 7

Maybe he was trying to lose her, and was about get away with it until you came along ... Tsk tsk....

Better than it being the other way round! Now THAT would have been awkward. Anyway, it sounds like the sort of thing I would have a good laugh about ;)

You couldn't have possibly known that's what he meant. Way to be considerate though.

Ooooh I hate when that happens! It's so embarrassing! A few months ago, when I announced on facebook that I was on a relationship (I know that nobody really cares about that kind of stuff, but I was much too excited to not do it), a guy I knew sent me a message saying "new relationships bloom, while others mourn. The loss of my child's mother is something that plagues me tonight". Touched by this man's message, I did my best to write him a sincere response to present my condolences. Turns out the "loss" was merely their break-up that happened three years ago.