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By Anonymous - 25/03/2012 12:09 - Australia - Croydon

Today, I was babysitting this 12 year old. We were watching a movie, and he was being an angel just laying with his head in my lap. He fell asleep so I closed my eyes and had a little nap. When I woke up he had taken my shirt off and was feeling up my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 622
You deserved it 15 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did that not wake you? Also isn't twelve a little old to lay down in someone's lap (except parents)?


Damn_Hippster 11

He's learning well, get them while there sleeping, that's my motto.

blackheart24 10

How did u not feel him take off your shirt?

FMLshark 12

A little nap? More like you passed out completely to the point of not feeling someone take off your shirt and groping your boobs.

I think he slipped something in your drink.

n_epic_fail 14

It's cuz your Australian -___- you people are too damn good looking.

blackheart24 10

Weve already had this discussion, Australians are ******* hot because they are into sports and being fit, combined with their sun tanned bodies and sexy, brain melting accents. At least Australians stereotype is that they're all sexy as ****.

Another stereotype #123 is that Australians are criminals locked up in one big prison and ride kangaroo's to school.

blackheart24 10

Pff I wish my stereotype was riding kangaroos to school. That would be badass.

tjv3 10

It's weird that you let him lay in you lap, it's weird that you didn't wake up during the exposing , hell it's just weird

jazz23 2

illogical. pretty sure op was aware of this shes just a twisted freak.

illogical. pretty sure op was aware of this shes just a twisted freak.

PicklesMcRaptor 0
ripresno 10

Before I even read the comments I had my friend read this and when he was done reading I said to him like a boss and I flipped out when I saw the first comment

Awes0meperson 10

140- wait that's a stereotype? I thought… well this is awkward…

Maybe they are in on big prison and do ride kangaroos. You don't know them.

SexySlayer1248 18

Wow you're on you way to becoming a rapist

289 So I'm assuming when you grope people, you call them a rapist?

Luckyman22 5

I'm guessing 262 has not had much luck in the guy department.

Shall your comment break the 1000 like barrier? Let's find out

Hmm,i live in the gold coast and on a rare chance i get to see these suntanned goddesses you guys are talking about. .true about the accent,but the macho looking men tend to be just meatheads&the tanned,sun bleached girls tend to be snookie's. Dont trust the commercials people.dont trust them.

funnyfiona 0

I like to be unique and ride a emu instead XD

funnyfiona 0

No I wish, I have to like in Australia and all we learn at school is that every other country sucks and that Australians are supreme. oh and every opportunity they brag . Oh and they blame England and America for their mistakes i.e their own racism towards Indigenous Australians. Crazy backwards country!

starburst7596 14

And the American stereotype is that we're all fat as ****.

colbyuk2002 1

No but if they are underage guess who gets called the rapist??

Well the British originally put colonies there for the sole purpose of being a prison island.

240- haha yes, it is.. ???? and if you're wondering, no we do not have pet koalas. XD

Seriously? People are CONDONING sexual assault? Wtf people, that's just ******* wrong. Also, if I was OP I would prolly slap the kid out if reaction, then I'd rat the little bastard out to his parents because that kind of behaviour is extremely inappropriate and should've dealt with.

Your cute(: just thought I'd share that with you(:

#20 your cute(: I thought I'd just let you know(:

Well.... Op kinda deserves it. How do you not feel someone taking off your shirt? Especially if your asleep? It doesn't say he moved it up, he took her shirt off her body. HOW DO YOU NOT FEEL THAT? He had to move her arms, pull her shirt over her head and arms, then he starts touching her... Sounds a little bit... Fishy.

I'm Australian and I wish I did ride a kangaroo to school but that would be mean:( but a cool idea

mthurston 14

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Redoxx_fml 22

They sure did, but why the hell does he need a babysitter at 12?

22cute 17

That's a typical 12yo boy behavior. His parents had nothing to do with it so much as his genetics.

Of course. All the 12 year olds I know love groping their sleeping babysitters. And blaming genetics, to take blame of parents, is completely illogical.

Well that's what OP gets for thinking a 12yo boy is a baby... That's when the hormones come out, yeesh!

bitch_pleez 10

They come out at puberty, which is usually later than 12 for males. Don't be dumb 211

Puberty can start as early as 8 or 9 or as late as 15 or 16. Know your facts before calling someone dumb. Don't be dumb 274

26- youre not supposed to leave a kid at home if they're not mature enough. NSPCC says most children 12 or under aren't mature enough to be home alone, and that no child under 16 should be left home alone over night. So lots of 12 year olds will still have babysitters.

buttermybacon16 1

yes they did raise him right u go boy

'shit goddamn' made me laugh, an interesting combination of profanities

If I ever have a kid like that it would make me proud :)

So you all approve of what is technically sexual assault?

melanie177 1

Well, at least the parents didn't walk in on that!

Philerup31 12

That would have been one hell of an FML

KiddNYC1O 20

Im sure they found out later though...

How did that not wake you? Also isn't twelve a little old to lay down in someone's lap (except parents)?

ThisBeAUsername 6
detroitsucks247 3

Twelve is a bit old to lay in anyones lap... Unless its to take advantage of a babysitter while shes sleeping

aruam365 24

62- I disagree. If my 12 year old wanted to lay their head in my lap, I'd be fine with that. There are very unfortunate circumstances when a parent will sexually abuse their child but in most cases there is absolutely no sexual aspect to a child laying their head in a parent's lap and is completely appropriate and acceptable.

Um...isn't twelve a little old to have a baby sitter at all??? Unless he got held back he should be in 6th or 6th grade!????

aruam365 24

132- The year that it says I was born in on my profile is incorrect. You saying I wouldn't know what I would do is quite ignorant, I certainly have beliefs about raising my children that sure as hell won't be changing. EVER. Also, I never said that it should be a constant thing, but a child will and can develop perfectly normally even if they snuggle up with their parents sometimes. If you think it's going to stunt a child's development to cuddle up with their parents on occasion, then you know nothing of raising a child well. My cousin is a child development specialist, and he happens to be visiting me. I showed him your comment, he laughed.

xStaciexLynnx 15

139- I agree with you. The only thing is I think it's different when it's your child and when you're the babysitter. I wouldn't want to be in that position with a 12 year old boy, especially with the way our society. Who knows what parents would say if they came home (even if your shirt WAS on) and saw that. Some people are insane. You can be as loving as you'd like with your own children but it's shaky with others' children.

aruam365 24

145- I agree. I think it only should be a parent or a very close relative. I would be okay with my niece or nephew did and I think my sister would be fine with it too but other than an extremely close relative I don't think it's a good idea.

Hello, DUH, it's YOUR kid. Not someone else's!!!!!!

skyeyez9 24

They do it because they want to be close to you and feel comforted, but too big to sit completely in your lap like when they were toddlers.

What does a twelve year old laying on their parents lap have anything to do with a twelve year old laying on a baby sisters lap? I do believe the two are completely different. However I do agree, how could you not feel the kid taking off your shirt even if it was a button up. Kinda odd.

My brother and I still snuggle up to our mom and he's in the Army. A mother gives comfort and love. (Besides, this comment said except for his parents)

Hello, I'm 12 years old, I don't lay in my parents lap, but I guess it's not weird if I did. But lay in your babysitters lap is just weird... Plus you honestly shouldn't need a babysitter at age 12 either.. And yuppp, boys my age are disgusting.

Lil_Red777 21

#252 aren't you a little young for this site? And if you think boys are disgusting now you shouldn't date when you get older. They rarely get any better if anything they get worse.

This is out of the norm but its not the weirdest thing out there. Has everyone forgotten about the 13 year old that still breastfeeds?

bitch_pleez 10

139 are you really that stubborn in saying you will NEVER change your beliefs? Or is it just idiocy on your part?

Luckyman22 5

I'm guessing 262 has had some bad luck with the immature guys she dates. Don't lump us all together just because you have bad judgement.

MOST boys. There is those people that isnt.

Maybe he has this technique all worked out

thenoobftw 3

This will be a great story to tell his friends. ~Respect

Id put my head in ur lap ( •_• )

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TruexSniper 0

Your memes are terrible and you should feel terrible!

missymay993 11

It works even better with the Zoidburg picture

Teabubbles 8

yea, because getting touched by a twelve year old is soo much fun...

AlaskanEskimo34 0

260- if you are implying that rapists are winners, you are absolute scum.

That kid is a champ, unfortunately for you.