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By Anonymous - 19/09/2012 14:43 - United States

Today, my crazy mother-in-law threatened to camp out outside my house so she will "never get left out" of our lives, all because we called instead of sending a written invitation to my three-year-old's birthday party. I actually believe she's crazy enough to do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 161
You deserved it 1 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might wanna consider taking her off the invite list...

olpally 32

Stage 5 clinger, mother-in-law style... Yikes!


graphicstyle7 17

You're kinda leaving the other most important person out of this equation. What is your SPOUSE doing to stop this behavior? Really, it's their responsibility to negotiate... not yours. And if he/she can't, therapy time. Big time.

MaylenesDisaster 2

Do we have the same MIL? Mine is bat shit crazy and off the wall, I can see her doing something just like this -_-

My mother-in-law would do that to I feel your pain!

C'mon people. If you read the first 20 comments, you will realize that there is virtually nothing new you can say after that point. I counted at LEAST five different people suggesting sprinklers.

TVKill3r 15

And? Would you rather nobody comment then?

amiranjit25 7
simonetaylor94 6

wtf? at least u invited her. crazy bitch

NodakN8V 25

Already clicked YLS as soon as I saw monster in law.

Let her do it and spray her with a garden hose

That...makes no sense. As long as she still got invited, why would she feel left out? If anything, being invited by phone should make her feel more special, because phone calls are a bit more personal.