By Anonymous - 14/01/2012 18:26 - United States
Same thing different taste
By mlove - 06/09/2010 08:35 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/03/2014 04:49 - United States - Houston
By Anonymous - 24/10/2015 05:13 - United States - Yorba Linda
By andy1r - 07/10/2011 06:41 - Bolivia
Family Ties
By Anonymous - 26/05/2021 03:59
Get the **** out
By GetOut - 11/03/2022 16:00
By ChildFree - 20/04/2015 23:55 - Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
By shocked - 12/10/2009 14:52 - United States
By doomed - 21/04/2011 02:45 - United States
'This Is Us' reboot
By Anonymous - 21/01/2023 16:00
Top comments
What a psychopath . . . If you can, OP, maybe get the police involved. That's all I can really advise . . .
Of course she's from Alabama.... Lol :P
I could see this FML being a horror movie
No it's ok. They all say that! Be brave op, just keep katana with you just in case though.
Or a comedy
I'm so glad I get along with my boyfriends mom!
I really don't think anyone cares about whether or not you get along with your boyfriend.
108 you never go full many times do we have to tell you
I dont know about you guys but I think she sounds like a nice lady.
She sounds like Freddy and Jason on steroids T^T
You got the FaceBook messages to prove it.
Hurtful. But sadly true- Man from Alabama
Got to love in-laws...
Alabama? So the "in-law" part was redundant?
Carry a bottle with holy water, a silver dagger and a wooden cross in your bag. Problem solved
And some garlic. Just in case.....
yeah sounds like she will def. need to use all of them at once too!!
It's about time
you win!
Mother in law, rearranged, spells 'woman Hitler' and from that comment I can only suggest that if you're ever unfortunate enough to stay at her house, you avoid the shower.
Somebody bought that up in the last Mother-in-law FML :L
Argh, someone always uses this cliche on any mother in law post. Usually at least a dozen people trying to sound original. It's the most annoying cliche on them.
Someone pointing out a cliché is a cliché itself. I'm looking at you, iamesauce..
Someone pointing out a cliché is a cliché itself. I'm looking at you, iamesauce..
Repeating said cliché and escalating a meme/comment/repetition comment war is a cliché itself, iamsauce.
It's really hard to not know what a meme is! Being on the internet exposes you to various meme's, like for example "pingas", "forever alone", "cool story bro", "umad", and the most annoying: "ARROW TO THE KNEE". You implying that I don't know what a meme is leaves me in awe...
Whoever thinks the arrow in the knee jokes are annoying, obviously isn't either a gamer or has a shitty sense of humour. Now thumb me down because I'm right.
I've never heard this one, so I'm cool.
I am a gamer, and skyrim's "arrow to the knee" meme HAVE BEEN OVERUSED TO THE POINT IT'S JUST NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!! I'm just suprised that the people thinking it's funny are still around, but then again we wouldn't have it's infamous status as an annoying meme...
You lot should try this thing called FRESH AIR...
The joy of a Mobile phone (and speaking like a brit, even though i'm not :) ) is that I can be anywhere and be on FML.
I never knew people could get so moody on the interwebz.
Combo breaker!
But if he was a run-away for 17+ years he'd most likely not be in contact with said psychopath, therefore OP wouldn't have met her and this little conversation would never have happened.
That's not even possible
Oh don't you hate it when they do that?
YDI for starting a "heating argument on Facebook". Smh, be the adult.
You should try reading the FML properly. It's the adult thing to do. |the kid|
She didn't start it. Duh. The mother-in-law did, by "shit-talking" OP.
It doesn't matter who started it. The cool thing about Facebook is that you can log out and not have to read the mother in law's shit talking.
You should have fired back with a vow to never let the bitch see any of her future grandchildren.
Fortunately you're marrying her son, not her. Tell her exactly where to go and how she can get there, and then go **** your lovely bride-to-be silly.
Well, darling, you know what they say: When you marry someone, you marry their family as well.
Lol the son is a bride-to-be now??
HE CAN DREAM!! Don't ruin this for him!!
OP is a woman, just sayin'.
Mirorbo, fortunately that's one of those sayings that just isn't true. My wife doesn't get along great with my mother, and hers drives me bonkers. We've basically agreed that both our mothers are completely insane, and we try to avoid them both as much as possible.
#19, when you marry someone, you do not marry their family. You are supposed to be an adult, get married and leave your family to start a new one. Mother-in-laws, however, seem to have a hard time accepting this. Not saying you never see them again, but once you're married your wife is your family.
Mirorbo, I don't recall ever seeing a wedding where the preacher asks "Do you take this man, his mother, father, sister and brother to be your lawfully" So yeah, don't think your logic is correct here. But if that's how you think, heaven help your daughter-in-law! :)
Fuhohoho, oh, how witty, taking a saying absolutely literally. You're a riot, darling!~
You're the one who said it, *darling*, I'm merely the one who pointed out how stupid it was. Sorry that you don't like someone expanding on exactly what you said! :)
Where's orre?
#100, it would be your son's wife... Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and so on! :)

Carry a bottle with holy water, a silver dagger and a wooden cross in your bag. Problem solved
What a psychopath . . . If you can, OP, maybe get the police involved. That's all I can really advise . . .