Dick joke

By awilson - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was eating M&Ms on a chair when I dropped one and it fell under my crotch. My mom came in to see me with my hand on my crotch while angrily muttering, "Where's that little bastard gone?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 341
You deserved it 17 019

Top comments


anniemeece 23

That is so wonderfully awkward. xD I love it!

That's just awesome XD Btw, did anyone notice FML glitches up every hour or so and posts a blank FML with only "I agree, your life sucks (18845) - you totally deserved it (10311) On 12/31/1969 at 7:00pm - - by () -"

That was the woman with the Mexicans in her apartment FML. I guess it was deleted.

That sounds like an awesome FML already. Why would that be deleted =o D:

necomni 0

so you named yours "little bastard," huh... j/k j/k, this one was hilarious xD

compared to most fml this probably won't **** your life to bad. it was just awkward.

Trooth 13

lol happens all the time but why didn't you just stand up first? And were you naked because you had to have been in order for this to make sense. And in that case, why were you naked eating m&m's?!?!

ShokuMasterLord 0

Melts in your crotch, not in your hand :D

23, your names dog food so you don't really have a leg to stand on here.