Disproportionate response

By notout - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, my 28-year-old brother screamed at me and outed me to our very religious, homophobic parents because I wouldn't let him shock his friend with an electric dog collar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 097
You deserved it 717

Top comments

Your brother needs to be admitted into a psych ward, it sounds like he has some very serious issues.

Well, I hope you're a good liar or your parents might send you to a place where you'll get to enjoy the electric shocks instead.


Zachary8261 28

Remind him of his age (2 years old) and ******* run.

Your brother needs to be admitted into a psych ward, it sounds like he has some very serious issues.

Lobby_Bee 17

Sounds like good harmless fun, why stop him?

Well, I hope you're a good liar or your parents might send you to a place where you'll get to enjoy the electric shocks instead.

really_dad? 14

You should've let him shock himself dead

really_dad? 14

oops read it wrong. you should let his friend shock him

I don’t understand why you’re interfering with your brother’s kink. (Assuming the friend is a consenting adult.)

Put the collar on your brothers neck this time.

He's definately an asshole for going that far, but why wouldn't you let him shock his friend. Me and my friends did that to each other with an actual taser. It was actually kind of fun. a dog collar should be nothing compared to that.

A shock collar can actually damage your neck and trachea, along with everything in your throat. Especially if someone is dumb enough to keep going with it even when it starts to seriously hurt. And depending on if the friend is as dumb as op's brother, then they probably would.