Emergency cooking
By YoshiSqu4d - 31/07/2020 20:01
By YoshiSqu4d - 31/07/2020 20:01
By lollerskate - 16/01/2010 15:37 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/10/2012 05:31 - United States - Pleasanton
By Anonymous - 11/02/2025 03:00 - United States
By Cinderella - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff
By Anon - 08/11/2023 20:00 - United States
By Lea - 16/01/2012 20:18 - Denmark
By Dx - 06/03/2011 07:18 - United States
By JohhnyKeroscene - 01/02/2012 12:21 - United States
By Nice smoke alarm - 05/09/2023 23:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/04/2023 18:00
It would have been easier to just call and invite them over for lunch than to set off the smoke detectors to get them to come over.
Everyone likes burgers! You should call 911 and have them send over hungry EMTs. You don't want to leave out any first responders from your burger party.
They don't show up just because your smoke detector goes off. So either this is B.S., or someone called them abd reported a fire
This happens about once a month at the apartment complex I live in. The alarm has a direct connection to the fire department. Then the tenant gets charged $40 for them coming out! Luckily! I haven’t set them off yet, I’m a careful cooker because of this.
Was making burgers for myself and the alarm goes off, I disabled it, or so I thought... (It's linked to the security system, which alerts the fire department). Cops and FD showed up while I was in the middle of eating, had to tell the officer that nothing was wrong while I had mustard on my fingers, which he pointed out... lol so that was fun! The burgers were worth it though.
Well I hope they like their burgers "well done".
It would have been easier to just call and invite them over for lunch than to set off the smoke detectors to get them to come over.