By Anonymous - 03/06/2022 04:00
By Anonymous - 03/06/2022 04:00
By Anonymous - 20/09/2021 23:00
By Klaus - 02/07/2023 22:00
By Anonymous - 12/09/2022 08:30
By Probably Not - 09/12/2023 09:00 - France - Paris
By I'mmessedup - 11/08/2022 21:00 - United States - Cedar Falls
By shenmas - 08/07/2018 19:00
By Anonymous - 07/03/2025 05:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/01/2024 16:00 - Australia - Melbourne
By Anonymous - 20/07/2020 20:02
By Anonymous - 30/05/2015 07:28 - United States - Plainview
Sounds like my ex. Maybe we can get a beer sometime. Maybe your new dynamite girlfriend will like my new dynamite girlfriend. Anywho, remember that you will learn a lot about people you know when you leave; their true colors will start to show. Take note of everything you see among friends or family after you tell them you’re getting the hell out of there. And you are getting the hell out of there. Because if you don’t, I will find you, and I will drag you to the nearest watering hole to clear your head.
What kinds of things do other people do when they find out you’re leaving a relationship?
You will find out whom you can count on, including if you really need something like money, a place to stay or a new job. And even if you lose a friend or family member, it’s OK. Also watch out for people who are just as manipulative - there may be that one person who’s more interested in gaining control over you than helping you. My mom’s partner is like that - she has been using my mom’s divorce from my father as outrage material for three-plus decades. She started to do it to me - she wanted me angry. I put a stop to it because I want my peace.
When you’re ready to leave, make sure you find your legal documents first thing and stash them with a friend so she can’t hold them hostage or destroy them. If you can, rent a storage space, take a day off from work when you know she’ll be leaving, and get every single one of your friends and family who’s available to haul your stuff outside. Finding an apartment comes second to hauling butt out of there for safety, because abusive people can get extremely unpredictable when their control over you is threatened. I’m wishing you the best of luck
You're going to need to set up a nanny cam in your home to get video evidence of her abuse of you. No one is going to believe you're getting beat up by a girl otherwise.
Sounds like my ex. Maybe we can get a beer sometime. Maybe your new dynamite girlfriend will like my new dynamite girlfriend. Anywho, remember that you will learn a lot about people you know when you leave; their true colors will start to show. Take note of everything you see among friends or family after you tell them you’re getting the hell out of there. And you are getting the hell out of there. Because if you don’t, I will find you, and I will drag you to the nearest watering hole to clear your head.
When you’re ready to leave, make sure you find your legal documents first thing and stash them with a friend so she can’t hold them hostage or destroy them. If you can, rent a storage space, take a day off from work when you know she’ll be leaving, and get every single one of your friends and family who’s available to haul your stuff outside. Finding an apartment comes second to hauling butt out of there for safety, because abusive people can get extremely unpredictable when their control over you is threatened. I’m wishing you the best of luck