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By Klaus - 02/07/2023 22:00

Today, my girlfriend of over a year said, "Being loved by you is the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced. I'm so thankful I now know how it feels to be treated with kindness…" Then the word "but" and her abusive, estranged husband's name were uttered in the same sentence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 776
You deserved it 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Taxi! You don't deal with crazy like that. Mental health professionals have a low success rate treating ****-ups -- amateurs have no chance!


I sense a manipulative gaslighter. SAVE YOUR MENTAL HEALTH & RUN FAST ASAP!!!

Taxi! You don't deal with crazy like that. Mental health professionals have a low success rate treating ****-ups -- amateurs have no chance!

Tisinlovewithme 2

you’re dating a married woman? 😐 wtf is wrong with yall, divorce is a ******* option like wtf

Sometimes, the best break someone can manage to make from an abuser is estrangement/separation, because a lot of places require both sides to co-operate for a divorce to happen. It's not uncommon for an abuser to refuse to go through with a divorce in an attempt to keep hold of their victim for longer and maintain some degree of legal rights over them.

Married but separated, it seems, since OP said estranged husband - if he was abusive (as the post states), he may have refused to allow a divorce to try keep some control over his wife even after she left him.