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By jamblasticus - 09/05/2009 01:07 - United States

Today, I was walking in the park when I saw an attractive girl walking nearby. I approached her to strike up a conversation when suddenly a large fly invaded my left nostril, and became lodged inside. After picking out the bloody fly pieces, I looked up to see the girl walking away, gagging. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 996
You deserved it 6 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** blocked by a fly. That's just unlucky.

#1 is just one of those people who put YDI for anything, including, but not excluded to: The earth blew up. I missed my date. FML. YDI for living on earth. My arm got cut off by a alien space lazer. FML. YDI for having a arm. My mom died because my dad hacked her into 17 pieces and ate her. YDI for not spotting your psycho dad. I'm a guy who likes women. Women don't like me because I have no left ear. FML. YDI for being born. The list goes on. In this case, though, YDI for having a huge nose.


subiedude08 17

How is that less inconspicuous doing a snot rocket?

There are sooooo many FML's where there is no way they could have deserved it. I don't get the way people rate these things!!

some ppl r haters.....sadly the world is this way

**** blocked by a fly. That's just unlucky.

Well that fly may have been a blessing in disguise. What I'd that girl was one of those YOLO dumbasses?

That's disgusting and hilarious at the same time. Ewlol.

#1 is just one of those people who put YDI for anything, including, but not excluded to: The earth blew up. I missed my date. FML. YDI for living on earth. My arm got cut off by a alien space lazer. FML. YDI for having a arm. My mom died because my dad hacked her into 17 pieces and ate her. YDI for not spotting your psycho dad. I'm a guy who likes women. Women don't like me because I have no left ear. FML. YDI for being born. The list goes on. In this case, though, YDI for having a huge nose.

Omg, you have got to be the scariest yet coolest looking dude I have ever seen!

fifafan626 0

What else did you expect the girl to do??? Help you get it out of your nostril or something? Ewwww...

"Bloody fly pieces"? Just blow it out. Your nose can blow pretty hard, you know. You actually stuck your finger in your nose, smashed the insect, and picked its parts out? I'd have gagged too, that's ******* nasty. YDI for being so sloppy at handling the situation.

I doubt shooting the fly from his nose by blowing wouldn't have looked very good either. Unless he had a tissue, there wasn't much he could do.

unwantedx 0

You should have offered her a piece of the fly. (: