Family vacation!

By Ungrateful brat - 06/06/2024 09:00 - United States

Today, at the beach, my son was screaming and crying because the sand was burning his feet. I told him to put on his sandals. He got mad and threw them in the ocean, then started crying harder when he realized they were gone. He's now hiding under the bed in the condo and is refusing to come out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 438
You deserved it 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It kinda sounds like you raised a spoiled little shit. Unless he's younger than 3. Then he's just a toddler.

49_Donuts 12

Sounds like someone need to be a parent


49_Donuts 12

Sounds like someone need to be a parent

Ah, toddlers. This shall pass, don't worry.

It kinda sounds like you raised a spoiled little shit. Unless he's younger than 3. Then he's just a toddler.

my sister once burned her feet on the sand, it's been known to happen. as for the rest, young child can't always regulate their emotions like adults. hopefully he's less than 5 otherwise yikes