FML's Showdown #15 By Louis - 28/06/2017 21:00 Choose your fave, watch them go! I agree, your life sucks 416 You deserved it 162 Share Tweet Share
Today, my best friend got a new boyfriend. She asked him what he wanted for his upcoming birthday, and he said he just wanted to hang out with her and watch a movie or two. I thought it was sweet, so I asked my boyfriend what he would like for his upcoming birthday. He said a blow job. FML I agree, your life sucks 28 222 You deserved it 47 707
Today, at work at an OB office, I heard a ruckus in the hallway before a very large woman burst into my room and tried to attack my very pregnant patient. Crazy lady is the wife of the pregnant lady’s baby daddy, who is nowhere to be found. I don’t get paid enough for this shit. FML I agree, your life sucks 539 You deserved it 69
Today, I'm 8 weeks pregnant and suffering from severe pregnancy brain. I was making my husband's lunch to take to work. I realised shortly after he left that I'd used dish soap instead of BBQ sauce for his sandwich. He has to turn his phone off for work, so I have no way to warn him. FML I agree, your life sucks 11 081 You deserved it 1 787
Today, while trying to kill a spider in my kitchen, I thought it would be wise to throw a bottle at it. The bottle hit the wall, bounced off the fridge and hit me in the face. The lucky spider crawled away, and is surely still laughing somewhere. FML I agree, your life sucks 9 744 You deserved it 30 893
Today, I brought up the subject of marriage with my boyfriend. His response was to shoot me with a nerf gun and laugh. FML I agree, your life sucks 48 226 You deserved it 9 647
Today, I was at work and a lady screamed at my manager for about 15 minutes, saying I needed to be fired because I couldn't get rid of all the flies buzzing around her food. She was the one who chose to eat on our patio. FML I agree, your life sucks 35 297 You deserved it 2 503
Today, management told me that I couldn't have a doorbell on my door. How did they get my attention to tell me this? By ringing my doorbell. FML I agree, your life sucks 31 419 You deserved it 3 241
Today, I went for a three-mile run. I was really proud of myself until I woke up from my dream in my bed, surrounded by empty soda bottles and fast food bags. I haven't worked out in years. FML I agree, your life sucks 8 458 You deserved it 12 107
I vote for Nathan. Don't get why he had to stop in the middle. Major facepalm ?
Jake all the way!