Follow @fml on Threads!

By Cooked - 17/07/2024 18:00 - United States

Today, I discovered that anyone can see your Threads replies to other people. My wife kicked me out of our house because she saw one I made under a high school friend’s gym selfie, saying, “I’d walk 100 miles barefoot through broken glass and rusty nails just to hear dat ass fart on a walkie talkie." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61
You deserved it 1 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GoogieWithers 22

Did she throw you out because you left a message for another woman or because she was so embarrassed about what you said?

You're flirting (horribly, creepily) with another woman and moaning that your wife found out and kicked your ***** arse out? Boo ******* hoo...


You're flirting (horribly, creepily) with another woman and moaning that your wife found out and kicked your ***** arse out? Boo ******* hoo...

And you are throwing a Pity Party because???

Underscore_foo 4

Grow up dude. You’re a married man, it’s immature and cringe asf commenting or thinking stuff like that.

What the actual…. dude that lame pickup line is so 2011. grow up

GoogieWithers 22

Did she throw you out because you left a message for another woman or because she was so embarrassed about what you said?

I’m not sure which is worse, the crassness of this message or the stupidity of it.

And let me guess: You send messages like this to multiple girls? How's that working out for you?

mmm1810 22

There’s your first problem, you’re using Threads

Lffayen 4

I find it hilarious yall are assuming it's flirtingwith a female rather than messing with a male buddy. It could seriously have been a joke from their past.