
By paranoid - 06/06/2009 04:43 - United States

Today, I was walking on a path through a park by myself. I glanced at the ground and saw a shadow behind me. Thinking of an attacker, I screamed as loud as I could and began flailing my arms to ward him off. Turns out, it was a jogger. He had to stop due to his uncontrollable laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 691
You deserved it 55 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell is with all the paranoid women? If theres a shadow behind you it doesnt automatically mean that youre about to get raped.

Who the hell waves their arms to ward off an attacker? Are you dealing with a raccoon or a mugger here?


are you serious? people lose loved ones and you think your life is F'ed because of this stupid crap? youre an idiot

thuryn 2

#116 / heyyou1203: Now THAT... I can handle, though I do have a problem with one part... I don't think rapes and assaults happen more often than we realize. I think we realize it just fine. It really is just the paranoiacs that are in your way. I know one woman just off the top of my head who was raped, and another who lived in an abusive relationship. I'm well aware that these things happen. My wife actually *is* a stay-at-home mom, ironically, though it's by her own choice. She had four different jobs after we got married, both salaried and hourly, and hated them all. It just wasn't worth the money, so I told her she could just quit and stay home if she wanted. Four months later, she did, and we've never looked back. Anyway, I don't think it's awareness, strictly speaking, that the threats are real that is the problem. People know that rape is real. It's in the news all the time. The problem is more the "won't happen to me" syndrome, just like a house fire, coupled with the paranoiacs. The end result is people not taking real precautions and instead freaking out and "flailing their arms". *sigh* It may help, but it's a poor substitute for aikido (sp?) or a stun gun... or both. I think the people saying "NOT EVERY MAN WANTS U" are wrong, but they aren't far off the mark in a case like this. The OP seriously overreacted. She should have just taken a step to the side (for distance) and looked.

Kitty34_fml 0

YDI. I will admit that I am pretty paranoid about safety issues as well. But when you're in a public place like a park, you should expect that there will be other people there.

DieselGirl 0

I love how seriosuly people take these, Geeze, calm down people!

YDI. Do you think you own the park path or something? Obviously other people are gonna use the path too. You should've looked anyways, retard.

Ok, let's pretend you were actually about to be raped... You realize this is a man and not an impressionable cougar??? Flailing your arms is not going to save you! You deserved it but your life is effed because it could happen. And that my friend is serious business.

elisarivera 0

What the heck is it with men? Seriously, I'd rather be paranoid than dead. Besides, waving your arms is better than doing nothing. I laughed at the girl flailing her arms in this fml story, but the story is not the point. The ignorant comments are what sent me over the edge. Rapists go after easy victims, not those who make a lot of noise. Yes, she probably over-reacted and should have simply gotten to a safer area rather than assuming the man was a rapist, but the comments as to how "she's not that hot" and how women just assume they will be raped...these are marks of ignorance. Rape is serious. Get it into your head. Number 53, most sexual assaults are more like this (true story): An older neighborhood guy takes an girl into his room and assaults her. She is so scared that she freezes. She doesn't know what's going on. She tries to get up. He holds her down. It doesn't even hit her what happened until hours later. The guy doesn't get prosecuted because it's her word against his, and she's not even sure she wants to tell the police. The guy gets away with it, probably doing it again to some other girl. THAT is sexual assault. I hope that you people realize that a victim is indeed a victim, not just some stupid girl who went and got raped because she wore a low-cut shirt. When it happens to your mother, sister, girlfriend, or daughter, then you'll understand...but I pray it never does happen.

Good speech, #136. Though, if you're afraid of being attacked, bring something around to defend yourself with. I'd recommend pepperspray, quite useful, really.