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By BIZZMAL - 05/01/2011 02:44 - United States

Today, I was out running. All of a sudden I saw a dog come towards me, I thought it was going to attack me and I screamed like a girl in front of everyone. It was a puppy wanting to play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 313
You deserved it 32 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

Even if it had been a dog about to attack; screaming would have only made the situation worse.

squirell_AIDS69 0

That puppy still could have wrecked your shit for all you know!


BahahahLOL 0

No #1, I know you can do better. Try this, TRRROOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLLLL

squirell_AIDS69 0

#1 threw out a quick "ha" to make sure that he/she would be #1.

BahahahLOL 0

Even a 'haha' would have been more satisfying. 'Ha' sounds like a karate chop to me.

'Ha' is Hungarian for 'If' - it is actually a deeply philosophical comment, insightful in its brevity.

sourgirl101 28

"What if?" is a pretty powerful question, wouldn't you say?(:

forgetspaces 0

You can't tell the difference between a dog trying to attack you and a dog that wants to play? YDI dip shit.

epic_phail 0

after being attacked by a dog (that I was familiar with) and receiving 35 stitches and now awful scars I'm terrified of even little yappy dogs. so stfu.

iR0ckSkinnys 3

I realized I didn't need to get involved with this (just like you didn't) but you don't have a reason to tell #17 to stfu. You were never in the conversation in the first place and there was no offending comments made, so don't get why you had to jump in.

schwancy 2

Even if it had been a dog about to attack; screaming would have only made the situation worse.

iR0ckSkinnys 3

Yea and running too! When you run away from a dog they are gonna chase you,So you are suppose to not make eye contact with them and walk away.But if it's like full speed attacking you,you beat&kick the dog in the nose.

InnocentLies 0

Hmm wait wouldn't screaming be a good thing ? Op would attract attention and help. ^_^

TheDrifter 23

But by screaming op would also be challenging an aggressive animal, so someone might come help, but op's chances of being mauled would increase.

I'm assuming you are a guy, because otherwise I don't see how screaming like a girl could be embarrassing.

squirell_AIDS69 0

That puppy still could have wrecked your shit for all you know!


iR0ckSkinnys 3

Lol why did you think It was going to attack you? That's so hilarious!!! Man,wish that was caught on tape!!:]