Grumpy git

By Anonymous - 05/01/2021 20:01

Today, my husband told me that he thinks I'm not doing real work because I laugh during online meetings. Sorry I'm not miserable all the time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 010
You deserved it 84

Same thing different taste

Top comments

God forbid a person to find joy in his/her job.

rotflqtms_ 21

So you don't also laugh while at work? If you can't find joy in your work, you're in the wrong place. Even I find joy in my work now and I started during covid. Man, if I didn't, idk what I'd do. I moved half way across the US for this away from my friends & family...I better like my job as that's all I have out here in the boons... yeah, it can be a bit much, but that's the job. There are also good times with my job. It's just a balance. And luckily I'm working with nice people too, and even if my patients are difficult, I know I made a difference.


God forbid a person to find joy in his/her job.

rotflqtms_ 21

So you don't also laugh while at work? If you can't find joy in your work, you're in the wrong place. Even I find joy in my work now and I started during covid. Man, if I didn't, idk what I'd do. I moved half way across the US for this away from my friends & family...I better like my job as that's all I have out here in the boons... yeah, it can be a bit much, but that's the job. There are also good times with my job. It's just a balance. And luckily I'm working with nice people too, and even if my patients are difficult, I know I made a difference.