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By PhD student - 10/02/2016 11:57 - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, I worked from home to actually be able to concentrate and make a presentation about my project. My boss then sends me a long email about how he wants us to work in the office, and how important it is for team building, giving me feelings of guilt for actually getting some work done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 686
You deserved it 1 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I understand his issue with it, but maybe if you explained the situation to your boss he wouldn't mind you working from home on occasion. Either way, good luck with your presentation, OP.

You just can't please some people unfortunately.


expertsmilee 26

He put the duck in productivity, cuz the dude sounds like a quack at being a boss.

expertsmilee 26

It sure is, just ain't spelled the same way.

If it's spelled different it ceases to be the same word. Duc is not a word.

I thought this was funny, I'm sorry you got down voted so much

It's sad that some bosses are still so old school, and I don't see how your working from home once is bad for team building. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't work from home.

YDI because you should have cleared it with your boss first. Simples.

Well, maybe if you go in and he sees how less efficient you are then maybe he will be able to understand why for you it's best to work at home.

"Yes sir, I understand all of that, sir. I just thought I should actually get some work done, sir."

nonsensical 26

Maybe just finish what you're doing at home and after that just do everything at work? If your boss asks, just say you finished all of it before you saw the email! He can't really complain about you doing a good job with your work!

TweetAnne 13

Wish I could work from home so I wouldn't have to deal with some of the idiots. I don't see a problem where you work as long as the job gets done. Obviously don't make it an every day thing, but if you stay home every once in a while to rev up your productivity then why not.

I would just ignore him, do what gives you the most productivity and try to explain it to him.

Cyrus00 41

Yeah because ignoring your boss is a great idea.... Try and explain it to him by all means but I wouldn't ignore him.

mwali02 32

I think OP still wants to complete this PhD... It's a lot easier when your supervisor doesn't hate you. So sorry about your situation OP... Proceed with caution on this one!

You just can't please some people unfortunately.

M3DO 24

Don't feel guilty if your co-workers are idiots, but he probably wants to increase the chemistry between workers by communicating more.

I understand his issue with it, but maybe if you explained the situation to your boss he wouldn't mind you working from home on occasion. Either way, good luck with your presentation, OP.

You could try telling him that when you're at the office you're getting paid to accomplish nothing but that may not be in your best interest