Grumpy git

By Anonymous - 03/05/2022 02:00

Today, it's my husband's birthday. I tried to buy him a new computer game, to which he complained. I cooked him steak and his favorite cake, and got him another nice gift instead. Hours later, his online friends bought him a new game and it was the only time I saw him genuinely smile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 189
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That snake didn't smile for steak and cake? He should quake and ache for steak and cake! He's a fake who should take a break in the lake. You make a steak and bake a cake and he's a flake? Gimme a break!

What an @$$hole. Skip his birthday next year.


That snake didn't smile for steak and cake? He should quake and ache for steak and cake! He's a fake who should take a break in the lake. You make a steak and bake a cake and he's a flake? Gimme a break!

Thanks. I was channeling him and the Barenaked Ladies.

What an @$$hole. Skip his birthday next year.

This site is called **** My Life. You can write asshole in all of its glory without camouflaging it.

Ha ha, true. Force of habit from Facebook.

CakeEater 15

Maybe you bought him a game he doesn't like? People can be picky in their hobbies, but he's an ass for not at least appreciating all your effort. It's the thought that counts